face time - bokuto

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you and bokuto signed up for the wrong class - cognitive science is not for you. but after you both see who's tutoring you - maybe it is?

[caution - smut, reader discretion advised.]


it was the worst time of the day. bokuto's least favorite class, cognitive science, paired with his least favorite activity of getting his tests back was not a good combination. he couldn't help the nervous tapping of his feet and drumming of his fingers, until of course, he felt those soft fingers curling around his hand and squeezing it, filling him with warmth. he looked up at you, sitting beside him, giving him a comforting smile even though you, too, were failing this class, and smiled back, feeling that maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.

he was wrong. when bokuto got his failed test back, the sunny feeling he'd gotten inside when his best friend had squeezed his hand disappeared, being replaced by the crushing anxiety of what on earth he was going to do. glumly, he put his head down and you copied his actions.

"bokuto," you mumbled wearily, "i think we have to see that tutor that aizawa recommended."

it was a last resort, but bokuto didn't have much a choice now.

"yeah. i think you're right."

after a bit of emailing, it was decided that you and bokuto would meet your new tutor in the library that day, as soon as possible. neither of you knew anything about him, except for the fact that his name was testuro kuroo and he was a cognitive science major.

bokuto definitely was not expecting the tutor to be that good looking. maybe it was because he had been hard wired to believe that people could not be attractive and smart at the same time, but he seriously doubted that that boy was their tutor until he actually sat in front of them, taking out his books.

"are we ready?" he asked after you all introduced yourselves.

before bokuto could answer, you said, in a very breathless voice, "yes." bokuto looked at you questioningly, but you didn't even notice him, you were blushing so profusely and kuroo hadn't even done anything yet.

this was different. you had gotten admirers before, boys that you and bokuto would secretly laugh and crack jokes about behind their backs, people that you wouldn't normally look twice at, but perhaps kuroo was a different tier of man to you, because you were certainly looking at him. in fact, you couldn't take your eyes off him, and bokuto couldn't take his eyes off you.

it was a while before he realized that the uncomfortable tug in his stomach he felt every time you blushed at kuroo was a symptom of jealousy.

it was strange, being of jealous of you and another boy. you and bokuto had always been best friends, since you were children, and never once had it ever gone further than that. but now that bokuto thought about it, a lot of his feelings for you did exceed that of the regular friendship kind.

so that was why he felt jealous.

except... knowing that didn't make bokuto feel any better about himself. in fact, it just made everything much worse. he was going to have to stay in kuroo's class and watch you make googly eyes at some other guy, now knowing he wanted you to make those eyes at him.

what made things even worse was kuroo actually reciprocating your advances. everytime you'd grin at him, he'd smile back, or if you made a dumb chemistry joke he'd chuckle appreciatively. it seemed as though he was slowly noticing just how cute you were, and bokuto knew he wouldn't have a chance when kuroo did realize it.

some haikyuu! one shots i guessWhere stories live. Discover now