let it happen

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hinata and kageyama find themselves alone in a hotel room. what to do?

[caution: smut, reader discretion advised.]

"now i don't want you all to get too excited by what i'm about to say," coach ukai prefaced, "but because the club funding this semester has been abundant, i thought this would be a nice treat - you're going to have your own hotel rooms."

nobody heeded coach ukai's warning; the team had to promptly be silenced by takeda sensei as they began making an excited racket in the hotel lobby - though hinata had to admit, most of the noise was caused by him, noya, and tanaka.

"the first years will all be in a separate room, as will the second years, and noya will be sleeping with the third years - if that sounds alright?" asked coach ukai.

"that sounds great!" said noya, jumping up into the air, and takeda sensei shushed him again, though he was grinning. 

suddenly, though, coach ukai observed a very serious expression. "takeda sensei and i will be in another room, down the hall, but we won't be close enough to supervise your every move, so just know that we are trusting you to be responsible for yourselves. nobody will be leaving their hotel rooms, ordering anything from room service (we haven't got that much funding), or doing anything you know you wouldn't be allowed to do. like i said - we are trusting you. also, yachi and shimizu, you'll also be sleeping in a separate room."

after hitting noya and tanaka for asking if they could sleep in shimizu's room, coach ukai led the team upstairs to their room, and hinata was so excited he could barely keep still; he kept rolling forward on the balls of his feet while they were in the elevator, even stumbling once or twice, and kageyama had to keep him from falling. he'd never been in a hotel before, and he never thought he'd be in a room alone without parent supervision before. coach ukai had been very clear with what he didn't want them to do, but it still felt cool to be there alone. it didn't even bother him too much that he had to be sharing a bed with kageyama - the bed here was much bigger than his at home.

it did seem to bother kageyama, though, who wasted no time complaining about it.

"kageyama, stop being such a tsundere and just admit that you like being in the same bed as hinata," tsukishima interjected finally, making kageyama freeze in the middle of his constant stream of complaints.

"so what should we do?" asked hinata eagerly, hopping up and down on the bed.

"first, you stop doing that," said tsukishima irritably.

"well, i know what coach ukai said, but tsuki and i were going to go downstairs..." said yamaguchi with a nervous sort of smile. "try to see if we could get something at the hotel bar..."

"no, we weren't," tsukishima snapped and yamaguchi pouted, looking at him pleadingly.

"please?" he said sweetly, batting his eyelashes at tsukishima, who simply rolled his eyes and averted his gaze.

"i definitely wouldn't go if those guys were coming," he muttered.

"hey!" said hinata, offended. "that's mean."

"oh, sorry, then," said tsukishima, not sounding sorry at all.

"well, you heard him," said yamaguchi awkwardly, making an apologetic face at hinata.

hinata tried not to feel too offended by the fact that yamaguchi would so easily ditch him just to hang out with tsukishima. well, it's not as if it was the first time that'd happened.

"i wasn't going to go anyway," kageyama cut in, leaning back against the bedframe and filing his nails, seemingly having recovered from his embarrassment. 

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