accidentally on purpose

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there'd be no sunlight if i lose you, baby.

kageyama and hinata sleeping next to each other during training camps must result in cuddling at least some day right?

kageyama rolled out his futon beside hinata as always, watching with a smile at the way hinata was wrapping himself with his blanket, shivering uncontrollably. he wasn't the only one - the other boys of the karasuno team were teeth-chattering messes, complaining loudly about how cold it was. apparently, the heater at the training camp they were at had blown out, and the volleyball players were somehow supposed to fall asleep in this mind numbing cold.

kageyama was sure he felt the least cold - he was cozy in a hoodie, and though he still felt a bit chilly, it wasn't so bad that he needed to talk about it every moment. hinata clearly felt the most cold; some of the others had lent him their thickest pieces of clothing, so he was wearing many layers, yet still shuddering underneath his blanket, his nose slightly pink. still, he was hardly complaining, at least not as loudly as tanaka and noya were.

"c-can't they do something about that h-heater?" noya was asking, his face barely visible as he was being cuddled by asahi, both of them in the same futon, trying to keep warm.

"they're t-trying," sugawara answered patiently, sitting up with his blanket wrapped around his body. "daichi's still out there f-figuring it out. i g-guess i should go help." he stood up, still wearing the blanket around himself and left the room, taking small steps as if somehow that helped conserve his body heat.

"this is why sometimes i h-hate being a part of this d-dumpster of a school..." tanaka muttered, rolling his eyes.

"don't let daichi san catch you saying that," noya warned.

"he would t-tell you to be p-proud of the school you're playing for, and he'd be r-right," asahi put in.

"how can we when the school is t-trying to freeze us to death?" asked tsukishima. yamaguchi, who was laying pressed up against him, did not even seem to have the strength to giggle at tsukishima's unfunny joke. the cold seemed to have made everyone drop their guard around each other a bit more; even tsukishima was willing to sleep with his arm slung around yamaguchi's shoulders, pulling him close so that they could warm each other up. 

kageyama and hinata were the only ones that were laying determinedly apart, even though hinata's constant moving was starting to annoy him.

"lights out!" came takeda sensei's voice from the doorway, just before the room got dark. 

"h-heater?" asked yamaguchi weakly.

"still working it out," takeda sensei answered apologetically, and everyone else groaned, still muttering to themselves as they attempted to drift off to sleep.

hinata stretched out, his cold fingers accidentally brushing against kageyama's skin, before halting.

"you're warm," he noticed, intrigued. kageyama couldn't see him properly, but he knew hinata's brown eyes must be shining right now.

"you're really cold," said kageyama back.

suddenly, kageyama felt more cold touching his feet, realizing it was hinata trying to get warm as well. he kicked back, not wanting to let hinata's chill invade his space.

"oh, kageyama, please," hinata whined, trying again only to kicked back once more. "i can't get to sleep all cold like this."

kageyama shut his eyes, trying to drown out hinata's voice, but it wasn't working. hinata had scooted closer, laying right on the line between his and kageyama's futons, and was whispering quietly, but it was still loud in kageyama's ear.

some haikyuu! one shots i guessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ