cyber sex

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wish you were here right now... all of things i'd do.

kageyama and hinata discover the wonders of communication.

[caution - smut, reader discretion is advised.]


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the first thing most people felt when they got a snow day from school was relief

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the first thing most people felt when they got a snow day from school was relief. it was fun getting to stay home, warm under your covers when you should really be at school.

for kageyama though, the first thing he thought was that he'd have to miss a day of volleyball practice, as well as a couple of hours at school with hinata. at first, kageyama wondered if maybe the last thing didn't have to be so bad. maybe he could go over to hinata's house for the first time, or hinata could come over to his place. but then the notice came out that no one was allowed to leave their houses because it was too dangerous, so that was completely
out of the question.

kageyama was left completely alone in his house as his parents had been out for the weekend and got caught in the storm, but unlike most kids, kageyama didn't have a lot of friends to have parties with, so even if there wasn't a storm, that would not have been on his mind.

instead, kageyama spent his time eating and watching stuff in his laptop, or else staring at the volleyball at the foot of his bed with longing. but although he was keeping himself busy, kageyama's thoughts would always go back to hinata, how he wished he could see him today, how he wished hinata would at least call or text, because kageyama was too proud to do it himself.

maybe it was just his imagination, but it felt like he and hinata were getting closer these days, and not closer in a friendly kind of way. the other day, the boys had made a couple jokes about kageyama and hinata being a couple, and after that the two had talked about it - really talked about it; though it had mortified kageyama in the moment, since he alone knew about his feelings for hinata, thinking back on it, kageyama was glad they had done it. most of it had been pretty vague, but the general gist of the conversation (in between all the awkward laughing) was that hinata said he wouldn't mind it if people thought they were together, and he thought it'd be cool to 'try out'. now kageyama had no idea what that meant, especially since he and hinata hadn't talked about it since, but kageyama had been planning on talking to hinata about it today, if school hadn't been cancelled. he'd even created an entire script in his head to follow, which, in hindsight, may have been a bad idea since hinata always did things that kageyama couldn't predict.

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