on court chemistry

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how can kageyama and hinata be more in sync?

"come on, kageyama, one more!" begged hinata, closing his eyes and clenching his fists as he wiped sweat off his chin.

kageyama tried not to be too mesmerized by hinata in all his glory, twirling the volleyball in his hands and getting ready to toss.

"you guys, you've been here for much too long!" said sugawara as he was leaving with asahi. "i think you've practiced this attack enough."

"no, we haven't!" hinata insisted.

"we need to be more in sync!" kageyama told hinata.

sugawara laughed softly. "how can you two be more in sync than you are already?"

kageyama and hinata ignored sugawara's taunts and began practicing again, but sugawara was right. it seemed impossible for two people to be connected enough to pull off the attack that kageyama and hinata were planning, but that didn't stop them from trying and failing a couple more times. finally, out of habit, kageyama gave hinata one of his regular tosses, just so hinata would have something to hit.

"you... why'd you do that?" said hinata, panting as he reached the floor again after spiking the ball.

"sugawara san was right, maybe we should quit for today at least," kageyama replied. "maybe tomorrow we can do some trust exercises or something to help us get more in sync."

"i don't get it - why did you give me an easy toss?" hinata asked again.

kageyama stiffened. "i-i just didn't want to go home today having not accomplished anything, alright?" with that, he stuffed his hands into his pockets and walked out of the gym. he didn't want to tell hinata the real reason that he gave that toss, which was that he honestly couldn't spend an entire practice without having hinata spike one of his tosses. it always gave him an uncomfortable, tense feeling inside, and the second he'd see hinata again after it, he'd always want to be irrationally close to him, as if to make up for their disconnect.

kageyama hoped things wouldn't be tense between them as they entered the club room and changed their clothes in silence; he didn't know if he'd be able to stand that.

thankfully, though, no matter how pleasantly intense hinata was on the court, he could always slip back into his normal self when they were off (well, almost always).

"i'm supposed to meet up with some friends right now, but we can walk home together later if you're planning to stay at school a while," he said brightly as he was leaving the room.

kageyama hadn't been planning on staying at school, but how could refuse hinata now?

"yeah, sure, i'll stay," he answered roughly and hinata flashed him a smile before he left.

kageyama didn't know how long hinata would be hanging out with his 'friends', so he just decided to spend his time in the library, listening to music and attempting to get a start on his homework, but his mind would always wander off to something else. this time that something just happened to be hinata. he wondered what hinata was off doing with his other friends - what did people even do with their friends? as far as kageyama knew, hinata was the only person he considered to be his friend, and they mostly just talked about volleyball.

well, that wasn't completely true. their conversations did turn to other things more often than not, and kageyama had to cover his mouth to stop himself from laughing in the library as he recalled a time he and hinata had passionately ranted to each other about the last season of their favorite show being ruined by a single scene. so maybe they were friends, and that was what friends talked about.

some haikyuu! one shots i guessWhere stories live. Discover now