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Only 4 more days until my favourite chapter I wanna write!!! I'm so excited for it. I even have a reminder on my phone. Anyway, this is a short chapter because I left my notebook downstairs and I'm too lazy to go get it rn. Also, totally irrelevant but I'm listening to "Mae Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau". TFP doesn't exist in this because I need Redbeard to be... not human? Idk but it doesn't exist. 

John's POV
Sherlock and I were going through some old photos of us. There were a lot of me when I was in the army. Sherlock seemed to like those ones, but I hated them. Most of them were me with my friends who were mostly all dead now. I came across one of Sherlock when he was probably around the age of 4, clutching a small puppy in his arms and smiling brightly. 

"Aw Sherlock, look at you and the puppy" I showed him the photo and he just smiled sadly, as if remembering something bittersweet. Something he wanted to remember but he didn't want to remember. 

Curiosity filled me and I wanted to ask him about it but I knew it would just make it worse. Instead of putting the photo back in the box with the rest of the pictures, I slipped it in my pocket and decided to ask Mycroft about it later. 

That night, I sent a photo of the picture to Mycroft and asked him about it. he replied saying that it was Sherlock with his dog (yes dog sh) Redbeard. Redbeard had apparently been a Christmas gift to Sherlock from his parents when he was four. It turned out that Redbeard had been Sherlock's best (and only) friend and he had been devastated when he had been put down 7 years later. 

I thanked Mycroft for the information and went out for a while to get Sherlock a present. 

When I got home, Sherlock was lying down on the sofa in his mind palace. I placed the little Irish Setter puppy om his chest. He was startled out of his mind palace and he saw the tiny brown puppy on his chest. His face lit up with excitement as he immediately scooped the puppy into his arms and sat up, hugging the dog closely to his chest, gently kissing her (the puppy) on the head. 

"Thank you thank you thank you John" Sherlock exclaimed excitedly. 

"No problem" I replied, grinning as he started to whisper to the tiny puppy in his arms. 

Very quickly, the puppy became a part of our life in 221B Baker Street and Sherlock treated it like it was our child.






Hey sorry that wasn't great. I was gonna do my longer chapter as well later but I've become really emotionally and mentally drained all of a sudden so I'll do it tomorrow x. Hope you enjoyed it

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