Texts (fluff)

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Hey yall, I'm currently tired and emotionally unstable so I guess it's time to write. This is gonna be a short, fluffy one cuz that's how I planned it out and I don't have the energy to change it. Also, sorry there wasn't a chapter yesterday, I couldn't find my laptop charger. I did plan one out though, so I wasn't totally useless lol.

John's POV
Sherlock had made me go out shopping because there was literally no food left in the house, and he was busy with some sort of experiment which included human fingers, and honestly I was happy to be out of the flat. As much as I love Sherlock, I do not love the dead body parts he brings home from the morgue and stores in our fridge.

I was walking around with the trolley when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, so I pulled it out to read it. It was from Sherlock. Smiling, I opened the message.

"Jawwwwwwwwwn - SH"

"What do you want, Sherlock?"

"I'm bored - SH"

"When are you coming home? - SH"

"It's boring without you - SH"

"I may have to shoot the wall again - SH"

"I've been gone for 20 minutes..."

"But I'm lonelyyy - SH"

"Do we really need food? - SH"

"Yes, we do. I'm not you, I can't go days on end without eating"

"Are you really putting your needs before mine? - SH"

"Well considering that you 'needs' are me leaving for 20 minutes and my needs are actually important"

"But Jawwwwn- SH"

"William Sherlock Scott Holmes, I will be home in less than an hour, okay? I will see you then"

"But Jawn - SH"

"Jawwwwwn - SH"

"Jaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn! - SH"

"Okay I'm going to shoot the wall now - SH"

"Dammit why did you take all of the bullets out? - SH"

Sherlock continued to message me but I just pocketed my phone and continued shopping, trying to ignore the vibrating that occurred every few moments. 

I struggled with the shopping bags up the stairs and opened the door to find Sherlock lying on the sofa, his hands steepled underneath his chin. He looked like he was deep in his mind palace, but he shot up into a sitting position as soon as he saw me. 

"John you're homeeee" He yelled, jumping out of the seat and hugging me. I was surprised, but it was a pleasant surprise. Sherlock gave the best hugs, his arms wrapping around me and his chin resting on my head. 

I finished putting the shopping away and glanced at the smiley face that had been painted on to the wall. No more bullet holes. Good, that meant that my hiding spot for the bullets had sufficed. 

Sherlock had lit a fire and he was sat on the sofa watching the flames, curled up under a blanket. I went and sat next to him, and as usual he moved so his head was resting on my lap. Instinctively, my hand went to his raven curls. They were always so soft. Sherlock gave a soft purr and headbutted my hand slightly, just like a cat. 

We stayed there in silence, not saying anything because nothing needed to be said. Everything was already perfect. 









Hey yall, hope ya enjoyed it. I've planned another 2 stories today so that's fun. I guess I'll see yall tomorrow lol x 

Johnlock Fluff (mostly) Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن