When The Roles Are Reversed

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Hey so basically I saw this thing on Instagram that said imagine if the roles in Sherlock were reversed so John was the smart one going around and writing about his adventures while Sherlock just followed him around and was high out of his mind the entire time. I sent it to my friend and ae said I have to make it a chapter so um yeah here we are I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea how this is gonna go but hopefully it will go well.

John's POV
I was up at 7am when Lestrade messaged me saying he had a case for us, and it seemed pretty interesting so I told him we would be there as soon as possible. "Sherlock!" I yelled, knocking on his door. "Case!" He emerged a few moments later. "What?" He asked, exhausted. "Lestrade has a case for us, come on" I explained briskly, before turning around to go and get my coat. Sherlock came out of his room 3 minutes later wearing a purple button up shirt, black trousers and his scarf. He grabbed his coat and I was finally able to drag him out of the flat. 

I hailed a taxi and we got in. Briefly telling the cabbie the address, I then turned to Sherlock and began explaining the case. Apparently triple homicide, all completely unrelated apart from the fact that they had been killed by being stabbed in the back. 

We arrived at the crime scene and I left Sherlock to pay for the taxi. Lifting up the police tape for Sherlock, we went towards Lestrade. I immediately began examining the body. She was a woman, late 30's to early 40's, dressed fancy but you could tell all of the jewellery was cheap. There were indents on her wrist, obviously from leaning them on a desk all day.  So she probably worked in office, considering the ink smudges on her hand. I estimated she was killed about 7 hours ago. She had a wedding ring, but it was worn, as if she took it off regularly. Could be because she worked with her hands, but incredibly unlikely so more likely an affair. 

"Her brother-in-law did it. He found out that she was having an affair with two other men so he killed them and then her. His brother knew about it and condoned it because he didn't want to do it himself. A bit extreme if you ask me, but I'd estimate it's been going on for several years. Best to arrest the husband and the brother-in-law." Lestrade looked shocked. "Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant." I heard Sherlock say behind me. I turned around and smiled at him and we walked away from the crime scene. 

We went home and I started writing up the case while Sherlock went to his room. He didn't come out for the rest of the day so I went into my mind palace. I went to my favourite room, my Sherlock room. There I had stored every little fact I knew about him, which was a lot. To create this room I had had to delete everything I knew about the solar system but it was definitely worth it. Nothing is worth more than Sherlock. 

When I came out of my mind palace, I realised it was 6am. I made myself a cup of tea and played the violin for a couple of hours, until Sherlock stumbled out of his room at 8:12am. I spun around to look at him. It was immediately obvious that he was high out of his mind, probably cocaine or heroine knowing him. I sighed. "Sherlock, what have you taken?" His head snapped up to look at me. His nose was read. Cocaine. I sighed and grabbed my phone.

I clicked on Lestrade's contact and typed out a message. "Hey I won't be able to take any cases today or tomorrow, Sherlock is really high so I'm going to have to look after for him for a while - JW"  

"Why, Sherlock" He looked down at the floor. "I'm tired of you being smarter than me all of the time" "SLOWLY KILLING YOURSELF WITH DRUGS ISN'T GOING TO MAKE YOU SMARTER!" I yelled at him. Tears ran down his face and my heart immediately softened. I ran towards him and hugged him tightly and he buried his face into my shoulder. 

The next couple of days involved me looking after a high Sherlock, cuddling Sherlock and throwing away Sherlock's drugs.

A week later, Sherlock was feeling less depressed about not being a genius so we were back on cases, but now he pointed out smalls things that I hadn't noticed but he had and I would praise him for it while smiling at him. 

There was one case where we were chasing the murderer who turned around every so often to fire his gun at us. We ended up at an abandoned warehouse and the killer ran inside so we followed. I couldn't see where the murderer went so we hid in piles and piles of crates. There was a single lightbulb which illuminated the entire room which flickered every so often. It was so quiet that all I could hear was mine and Sherlock's breathing. 

Suddenly, there was the sound of a gunshot behind me and straight away I went to look at Sherlock to see if he was okay only to be pulled to the side. I realised that Sherlock had just saved my life. There was another bang of a bullet, but this time from my best friend's gun. He shot a man for me. 

I breathed out a sigh of relief and hugged the man standing in front of me. "Thank you" I breathed. "No problem" He replied. We just stood there, hugging.  








Wassup ma dudes, that's the chapter, hope you enjoyed. I'm gonna try and update everyday from here on out for the rest of December, but we'll see how it goes. Hope yall enjoyed it x

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