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So I know usually in the rugby johnlock books it's usually because John plays rugby, well I'm not doing that lol. Basically I'm writing this cuz earlier (technically yesterday cuz it's gone midnight now but shhh) Wales (my country lol) played England in rugby. We lost 13-24. Not our proudest moment I'm not going to lie. I'm gonna change it in this book so that England lost and Wales win because it fits the story so much better. This is also one of the reasons why I'm depressed but I'll talk about that later lol. If yall don't know the scores for rugby (it's not really important it's just so yall know how the score can get so high if yall don't know already)
- try = 5 points
- conversion kick = 2 points
- dropkick = 3 points (I think)
- penalty kick = 3 

John's POV
Sherlock was in the kitchen doing some sort of experiment with rotting human fingers and I was anxiously curled up in a ball watching the rugby. It was England vs Wales and they were winning. It was infuriating that the country of the sheep were beating us (my nan would kill me for saying that. As would my teachers. I'm this close to killing myself for saying that.). It was the 58th minute and the score was 11-16 to them. We hadn't done too badly in the first half, we dominated them 7-0, but in the second half we had given away 3 penalties in a row. 

I sat with my knees to my chest and my arms wrapped around my legs, my eyes never leaving the screen. We gave away yet another penalty (yes Wales did give away a lot of penalties. Our new manager is shit). By some miracle, Leigh Halfpenny missed missed his kick. I would have laughed at him, but Owen Farrell missed one from a much shorter range (he actually did in the first half and my nan laughed at him until Halfpenny missed his and then she shut up). 

Wales scored another try and I groaned, leaning my head back and whacking it gently on the back of my chair. I heard Sherlock chuckle behind me. The game was agony to watch. The score was 13-21 and we had come back from worse, but not in the 74th minute. 

Somehow they managed to get a dropkick in somewhere, which took their score up to 24. Then the game ended. We lost 13-24. It was depressing. 

I rested my head on my knees and said nothing to Sherlock as he sat in the chair opposite me. "So, how'd the rugby go?" He asked. I raised my head to glare at him. He had a small smirk on his face. "It can't have been that bad" "It was! We gave away about 14 million penalties, we lost by 11 points, and we were doing so well in the first half. It's not fair, and Farrell missed an easy kick which he should have got. It would have made our defeat a little bit less humiliating. We just gave away penalty after penalty. And I swear it is not human to get that many penalty kicks in, I doubt Leigh Halfpenny is even a human. I wouldn't be surprised if the ref actually supported Wales, the way he gave them so many penalties! Not only that, but it was also the knockout round, so we need Ireland to lose to Georgia by at least 28 points or we're out..." I ranted on and on at a very bewildered looking Sherlock. 

When I finally finished ranting, Sherlock had a small smile on his face. "You're cute when you're frustrated" He said, knowing it would make me blush. "Shut up. I sad." I said, burying my face in my knees to hide my blush but also because I was genuinely upset about the football. "Aw I'm sorry, John" Sherlock said getting up and kissing me on the head and giving me a quick hug. I looked up at his stormy eyes. "I will forgive you iffff... you give me another kiss and you watch the next rugby match with me" I offered. "But Jawwwwn" He complained. "The rugby is like 17 hours long. I'll kiss you all you like, but rugby is so long.

I chuckled. "Sherlock, it's 80 minutes. 80 minutes isn't very long. Is someone said that you had 80 minutes straight to insult Anderson, then you would say it isn't long enough." I reasoned. Sherlock was thinking about it, I could tell. "Fine. But once and only once." He agreed. "Hey you might enjoy it" "Doubt it" "Okay, whatever, I'm off to lie facedown on your bed and contemplate the idiocy of the England rugby manager, see you later" "Right okay...."

I went into Sherlock's room and flopped down on the bed, thinking about the rugby game. I went into this kind of comatose state where I didn't notice anything going on around me. Sherlock would probably called it some kind of mind palace but I didn't label it. 

After a while, I felt someone's presence next to me. I looked up and saw Sherlock sitting across from me. "You're cute when you're in your mind palace" "It's not a mind palace" "I love you" "I love you too, but no amount of compliments are getting you out of watching the rugby, my dear Mr Watson-Holmes"

Sherlock just huffed in reply and left the room in pretend annoyance. I just laughed and went into my 'mind palace', as Sherlock seemed to like calling it, to think about Sherlock, m husband. 






Yes I made them married. Also, the reason rugby is such a big deal to me is that it's one of the few things that my brother and I ever bonded over. It's also one of the few things he'd voluntarily spend time with me for, whether it be watching it, teaching me how to play it and playing rugby video games. He's going to uni in September, which I know is a long time away, but I'm just gonna miss watching the rugby with him cuz he's gonna go to a uni 3 hours away. Anyways, hope yall enjoyed it, it was kinda random. Comment if you have any suggestions x, and also comment if you liked it or not x.

P.S. I'll probably update Wednesday or something idk

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