I'm Gay

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Lmao the title. Anyway, this is a short one that was requested by gayintrovertnerd. I just have a quick few minutes so I'm gonna write it real quick. Hope this doesn't disappoint :)

Molly's POV (oOoOh intrigue XD)
I was working in the morgue with Sherlock. He was looking through the microscope, analysing some data, while I stood next to him just admiring him. Just looking at him made my heart beat quicker. I had fallen so badly for him, and I thought that I had made it obvious, but he had remained oblivious. Either he didn't realise or he didn't want to realise. Knowing me and knowing him, it was probably the latter. I had probably done something to make him hate me. 

"Molly? Molly?!" Sherlock's voice cut through the fog in my brain. 

"Y-yes, Sherlock?"

"Coffee, if you're not busy, black, two sugars." 

I nodded, despite him not looking up from the microscope, and I went to go get his coffee. Once I got it, he took it from me and sipped it, before looking back through the microscope. I continued to stare at him. 

"Something wrong, Molly?" 

I opened my mouth, but then closed it again. He turned his head to look towards me and he raised his eyebrow, clearly waiting for me to say something. 

"Uh I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner sometime?"

"No." His answer was abrupt and definite. He was acting as if he hated me. 

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Why would you think that?"

"Because you act like you hate me and you always decline my offers to go out anywhere."

"Molly, that's not because of you."

"Then what is it?"

"I'm gay."


We glanced at each other and we both began giggling. 

"I thought you hated me."

"Of course not, Molly, you are one of my best friends, of course I do not hate you. Hardly anyone knows, only you and John, John because we are dating and you know how you know."

This was news to me, he and John were dating? That was shocking, considering how much John had protested him being gay. 

After a while, the giggling finally died down. 

"So, you don't hate me? You're just gay?"


We both smiled at each other. At least he didn't hate me. 









Hey yall, what's up? I finally updated. I have an idea for a chapter, but it's a crossover with the book Divergent, but it would probably have to be it's whole own AU book plus I don't know if anyone would actually read it. I have 2 chapters I am working on and I have another couple of ideas but I don't have the time lol. Anyway, hope you guys liked it and I hope you guys are all well. By the way, if there are any typos or grammatical errors, please know that my settings are in Welsh so it doesn't show any errors. 

Also, thank you guys again for 4k reads, I actually sobbed when I saw it because I was so happy. Thank yall x :D

And this is my 50th chapter

That's cool

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