Only Need One

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Hey yall, it's been a few days, sorry about that. This is a really short one which I got from an Instagram post thing. Post TRF.  No triggers (I don't think). No Mary. It's easier that way.

Sherlock's POV
I took a deep breath to try and calm my nerves before I knocked on the door. My heart was racing and several thoughts and questions were flying through my mind. What if I was too late? What if I had left it too long?

I heard the door begin to open and I swallowed heavily. The door opened and there he stood. I held my breath, prepared for the worse. 

"Sherlock?" He asked. He looked like he didn't believe that I was there. I knew he had stopped believing a few months ago that I was still alive. That's what he told me when he visited my grave once. 

"Hello, John." I exhaled slowly, praying that all would go well. 

"H-how? W-what?" He stumbled backwards until he hit the wall and he slid down it until he was sitting on the floor. His breathing quickened and he hid his face in hid arms. I ran forward towards him and gently put my arms around him.

I was scared that he would reject the hug and he would make me leave, but he didn't. He even leaned into the hug. After a while, his breathing slowed and evened out. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, John" I murmured, resting my cheek against his hair. I continued to whisper my apologies to him. After a while the sobs subsided and we just sat there, holding each other. 



"Are you really here?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You're not a hallucination again?"

The word 'again' struck me through the heart. I didn't reply, I just shook my head. He had been... hallucinating me?

"I'm really here, John, don't worry. I am sorry, please believe me."

"Two years" He murmured. "I believed in you for two years but now you are here I still can't quite believe it."

"I'm back, John."

"Good. I love you too much for you to be gone for any longer." He mumbled the last part, as if he were saying it to himself and he didn't actually want me to hear it, but I did. I was shocked, but I knew I had to respond.

"I love you too, John."


"Yes" I chuckled gently.


"Why what?"

"Why do you love me? I'm not special, I'm not intelligent or anything; I'm definitely not perfect." ( I wanted to try a semi colon but honestly I have no idea if I used it correctly. Sorry if I didn't, semi colons is basically the only piece of grammar I can't do(it has been edited, I had gramatical help there :))).

I was shocked. He didn't think that he was good enough for me? If anything, was not good enough for him. 

"No, you're not perfect and neither am I. Perfection is not everything to me because you are not perfect, and you are everything to me." 

He didn't reply, instead he leant up and kissed me gently on the lips. It was sweet and passionate and perfect.



"Come home?"

"Of course."

John had left a lot of his stuff back at 221B and he decided to get the rest of the stuff from his new apartment the next day. 

Mrs Hudson shrieked when she saw me. She threw her arms around me and then John, and then she welcomed us back.

We spoke for a while before one particular statement that caught John's attention.

"And the room upstairs is still there for you, John, everything is just the same as you left it."

John grinned and slipped his hand arm around my waist. "I don't think we'll be needing two rooms anymore, Mrs Hudson." I chuckled and kissed him on the top of the head. 

Mrs Hudson engulfed us into a big hug. 

"Next door won't be the only ones with married ones soon." 

"Calm down, Mrs Hudson." I said laughing gently. 

We went upstairs to our flat and everything was practically identical to when I had left. John must have moved out fairly soon after I jumped. There were probably too many memories for him to be there by himself. 

That night, we didn't need two rooms. Mrs Hudson had predicted it right from the beginning. It was wonderful, after all these years I had John. 

He slept curled on with his head on my chest and I just watched his chest fall and rise steadily. It was very calming. 

Eventually, I too fell asleep. It had taken us all these years, but we had at last realised that we only needed one room. It may have taken years, but at least we had realised.

I was so glad that we did realise.







Hey guys, again I decided to write a new chapter instead of finishing the other ones, but I hope you liked it. I'm sad because my face hurts (I think I'm allergic to something in my face wash because my felt like my face was burning lmao). Other than that, I'm not too bad. I have a Zoom call with my online friend on Sunday which I'm really excited about because I've only ever really messaged them but I'm really excited for it. Anyway, see yall soon, hope you enjoyed x

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