First Dance

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Hey plant, what's up? Sorry I haven't updated in ages. It's  f i n a l l y  Easter break and it's only 16 days until I can go back to school :D. So this is a short fluffy one because why not. You don't have to listen to the song, but it's a beautiful song anf I love it.  

John's POV
I got home from working at the hospital. It was about 3pm because I worked shorter hours on Fridays. When I walked through the door to our flat, I saw Sherlock standing in the middle of the room, and the table and chairs had been moved to make a clearing in the mess that was our living room. 

He was looking down at his phone which was in his hand and frowning, but when he heard me walk in, he looked up and smiled at me. 

"You're home!" He said excitedly. I chuckeled and walked over to him, kissing him softly. 

"Yep. What are you doing? Why did you move everything around?"

"Because, Dr Watson, we are going to dance." He replied, plugging his phone into the speaker and he held me close.

"I don't know how to dance very well." I admitted. He rolled his eyes and pressed play on his phone. 

"Then I will teach you." He said as the song Reflecting Light came on. It was one of my favourite songs, trust Sherlock to know that. 

As the music played, we slowly danced along to it. I gradually started to get the hang of it and Sherlock and I were grinning like idiots at each other the whole time. 

And the moon's never seen me before
But I'm reflecting light

To my surprise, at the end of the song, Sherlock dipped me. I wasn't prepared for that and I clutched him tightly. He laughed at me gently and leaned down and kissed me softly.

2 years later

Sherlock and I had just exchanged our vows, so now it was time for our first dance as husband and husband. He lead me out on to the dancefloor and the song started playing. 

Now that I've worn out, I've worn out the world
I'm on my knees in fascination 
Looking through the night
And the moon's never seen me before
But I'm reflecting light

It was the first song we had ever danced to together. As we danced around the room, I couldn't help but think that I just married the most wonderful man in the world. We both had small smiles on our face. 

I leaned up and kissed him. Yep, I definitely married the best man ever.








Ehh sorry that was so short and bad I couldn't focus. To make up for it, have photos of my snake Bella in the bath eariler (she had some skin stuck to her so we bathed her and she did some great swooshing and it was adorable). It won't let me upload videos. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, see yall soon x

 Anyway, hope you enjoyed, see yall soon x

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