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Hi guys, I'm actually updating semi-regularly??? So this chapter is gonna be a really short one based off of something that happened in my English class the other day with my friend. This is kinda dedicated to him because he is one of the nicest people I know but he doesn't read my book lmao. This is teenlock, I didn't really set an age in my head but idk like 16/17? Let's go with that. I changed it slightly to make it gay for yall, enjoy.

John's POV
My leg bounced up and down violently as I glared downwards at the table while trying to cover the noise from everyone else with my hands. I hated discussion lessons, especially when people were allowed to choose their own groups.

Molly, Irene, Greg, and Sherlock were all discussing the poems we were analysing, as were all the other groups in the class, and I was supposed to be helping.

I enjoy English, and it's one of the few subjects I excel at, but at this moment in time, I couldn't concentrate at all.

The lesson had begun just fine. As I said, we could create our own groups, so I was able to join with the few people in the class I actually knew, so it everything started out well. However, once we were about halfway through the lesson, the teacher allowed people to be as loud as they liked for some reason. That's when it became too much.

There was so much noise around me, it was overwhelming. I couldn't even just hear Greg who was just sitting opposite me on the table.

At that point, I had to try and distract myself, which is what led to my leg bouncing and hands over my ears. It helped, but not enough, I could still hear people yelling across the classroom or arguing over whose analysis was correct.

After a couple of minutes, I became aware of people saying my name, so I looked up from the table. They started talking to me, so I had to remove my hands from my ears which made things worse.

"Are you okay, John?" Greg asked me.

I nodded shakily. "Yeah, I'm fine" I said, hopefully somewhat convincingly.

Everyone else in the group accepted what I said without hesitation until another argument broke out on the table next to us and I covered my ears again, my leg shaking even worse than before. This seemed to catch Sherlock's attention as he was the one sitting closest to me.

"John, are you okay? What's wrong?" He was careful to ask me quietly but also right next to me so I could hear him.

"It's too loud in here." I whispered back, tears forming in my eyes. He nodded in understanding called the teacher over. Everyone else in the group didn't seem to notice a thing.

I vaguely heard the teacher come up behind me and I heard Sherlock say something, though I couldn't tell what. I made out the words "John", "trouble", "noise", and "out". Once he had finished talking, the teacher turned to me, so I took my hands off my ears once again to hear what she said, once again wincing at the noise level.

"If you need to go out of the class to get away from the noise for a few minutes, then that's fine. There's not much I can do, I'm afraid." She explained. I nodded in return, indescribably grateful for being allowed to leave.

I got up to leave but then turned to Sherlock. "Can, can you come with me?" I asked quietly.

"Of course" He smiled softly at me. Still the rest of our group talked among themselves (this actually happened. My friend and I full on left the class and the rest of our friends didn't notice lmao).

As soon as we got out into the corridor and closed the door behind us, I pulled him into a hug, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly and burrowing my head into his chest, crying slightly.

Sherlock hugged me back in return and stroked my hair gently. "Sh, it's ok, love, it's ok".

We stood there for a few minutes until my breathing had returned to normal and I wasn't crying or shaking.

"Are you ready to go back in?" His eyes were full of concern. I nodded and he kissed the top of my head.

Just before we re-entered the classroom, I said a quiet "Thank you" to him, and I saw him smile out of the corner of my eye.

We walked back to our table, and I did my best to focus on the work. This worked for the most part, though I was still bouncing my leg and playing with my fingers.

After a while, Sherlock noticed, and simply took my hand in his and held it tightly, calming me down. We remained this way for the rest of the lesson.











Okay that was longer than anticipatedconsidering it was just a retelling of something that happened to me, except Ichanged it a bit to make it gay, i.e. Sherlock calling John "love", holding hishand, and kissing his forehead. I didn't do this with my friend bcs I am gay, andhe likes a girl lmao, though we do hug a lot bcs we're close friends and I'm not straight so people don't give us grief for it. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed, this is probably shit, I apologise,it's nearly 1am lol, I just got a random burst of inspiration so ya.

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