The Fall But Doctor Who Style

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OKAY FIRST OFF, HOW THE FLIPPITY FUCK DID THIS BOOK GET 1K READS SO FAST? LIKE, I STARTED THIS 6 AND A HALF WEEKS AGO AND I JUST WANNA SAY THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE VOTED, COMMENTED OR IS EVEN JUST READING THIS. I'm gonna be honest, the reason I started this book is because I couldn't find enough books where John was depressed (sounds very weird ik but I could only find ones where Sherlock was sad and I couldn't find anything different) so I decided to create some of my own. Also, thank you to people like organisedmess06 who have encouraged me to keep writing, and thank you duckswithknives for providing the sad edit that I stole from your YouTube page when I didn't have the mental stability to actually write a chapter.

Anyway, sorry for the really long A/N, on with the actual chapter. It's gonna be pretty short and it's The Fall but rewritten with a Doctor Who speech instead of the one he gives because why the hell not. I'm sorry, this is gonna have TRF speech in it as well.

Sherlock's POV
I was standing on the rooftop of St Bart's, looking down at the army veteran who I had grown to love so much. There was no part of me that wanted to do this. To be honest, I wanted to jump and forget this part. This would just break me but I knew I had to do it. I raised my phone to my ear.


"Sherlock, you okay?"

"Turn around and walk back the way you came."

"I'm coming in."

"Just do as I ask, please."


"Stop there."


"Okay, look up. I'm on the rooftop."

"Oh, God, I-...I" My heart broke after hearing that. I knew my actions would have consequences, and this one may just be hurting the one thing I love most in this world.

"I can't come down so we'll have to do it like this."

"What's going on?"

"An apology. it's all true, everything they said about me. I invented Moriarty."

"Why are you saying this?"

"I'm a fake."


"The papers were right all along. I want you to tell Lestrade, I want you to tell Mrs Hudson... and Molly... in fact, tell anyone who will listen to you. That I invented Moriarty for my own purposes."

"Okay. Shut up, Sherlock, shut up. The first time we met, the first time we met, you knew all about my sister."

"No one could be that clever."

"You could." Goddammit this was hard. Why couldn't he just lose faith in me? I needed him to stop believing in me. 

"I researched you. Before we met, I discovered everything I could to impress you. It's a trick. It's a magic trick."

"Alright stop it now..."

"No. Stay exactly where you are and keep your eyes fixed on me. Now, if you want to remember me, then you can do one thing. That's all. One thing. Have a good life. Do that for me, John. Have a fantastic life. Please, would you do this for me?" 

His face had a look of recognition on it as he realised that I quoted his favourite TV show, Doctor Who.

"This phone call." I continued "It's my note. that's what people do, don't they? Leave a note?"

"Leave a note when?"

"Goodbye, John."

"No... don't... SHERLOCK!"

I ended the call and sent a message I had typed before. 

"I'm not dead, I need to take down Moriarty's web. He would shoot you, Lestrade and Mrs Hudson if I didn't jump. Mycroft has a huge air cushion to break my fall. I'll be back as soon as I can. Make sure to tell people I was fake and that I'm dead, even though I'm neither. Hope to see you soon - SH"

And then, with that, I threw my phone to the side. I took a deep breath, spread my arms and fell forward. 

Okay that was the first ending. 


"Sherlock, you okay?"

"Turn around and walk back the way you came"

"I'm coming in"

"Just do as I ask, please"


"Stop there"


"Okay, look up. I'm on the rooftop"

"Oh, God, I-I..."

"I can't come down so we'll just have to do it like this"

"What's going on?"

"An apology. It's all true, everything they said about me. I invented Moriarty"

"Why are you saying this?"

"I'm a fake"


"The newspapers were right all along. I want you to tell Lestrade, I want you to tell Mrs Hudson... and Molly... in fact, tell everyone who will listen to you. That I invented Moriarty for my own purposes."

"Okay. Shut up, Sherlock, shut up. The first time we met, the first time we met, you knew all about my sister, right?"

"Nobody could be that clever"

"You could"

"I researched you. Before we met, I discovered everything that I could to impress you. It's a trick. It's a magic trick"

"Alright, stop it now..."

"No. Stay exactly where you are. Don't move, alright, keep your eyes fixed on me. Please. Would you do this for me?"

"Do what?"

"This phone call. It's my note. It's what people do, don't they? Leave a note?"

"Leave a note when?"

"Goodbye, John"

"No... don't... SHERLOCK!!!"

I took a deep breath. I had my final phone call with John and looked towards the ground. The grey pavement stared back at me. This was the most terrifying thing that I ever did, and fair enough. It was going to call me. I ended the call and immediately threw my phone to the side. 

With my eyes closed, I let myself forward, knowing I would meet my death. Suddenly, I felt the ground beneath me. Never in my life had I been so confused. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a massive... console room (*fangirl screeches* TARDIS! TARDIS! TARDIS!). I was in there for barely 10 seconds before I saw a tall man who was exactly 1 inch taller than me. He was wearing a brown pinstripe suit and had very ruffled hair. 

Before I had time to say or do anything, he shoved me out of the door and threw fake blood over me. I knew what he was doing, he was helping me fake my death so I just went along with it. 

And with that, the mysterious box above me disappeared and I was left to be found by John. 








Hey guys hope you liked it x. Thank you guys again for so many reads. Love you guys  

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