Ranting (Not A Chapter)

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Hey guys so I really need to vent just skip this chapter because it's just me being annoying. I apologise.

I'm really fucking tired. I went to sleep at 3am and got up at 8:30, and at 3am, I was really tired. Hell, I was tired at 1am but I couldn't sleep for some reason (well insomnia is the reason but yeah). I'm also emotionally tired, I don't have the energy or motivstion to do anything. I can barely drag myself to my laptop to do schoolwork each day. 

I feel like I'm losing some of my friends and they don't care about me. I have 2 freind groups, one from primary school and one from secondary school, and I feel like one of the groups is ignoring me. Whenever I send a message to the groupchat, they read it and barely one person replies. They hardly talk to me unless I start a conversation, but even then they sometimes ignore me if I ask a question. 

I never thought I would say this, but I miss going to school so fucking much. I miss my friends, I miss my gf, I miss my form teacher, I miss my Welsh teacher, I basically miss a lot of people and I don't know what to do. 

I feel like I'm becoming like I was back in May, which is a very not good thing. 

Do you guys mind if I take a small break? 

I just don't feel like I can cope right now.

I'll be back soon, but for now, I need a tiny break. 

Johnlock Fluff (mostly) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now