Things Aren't Always As They Seem

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Guess who's depressed for a multitude of reasons and has decided to write some gay fanfiction instead of facing her problem? If you guessed me, then you'd be correct. So this chapter is what it is. I don't know how long it will be, I barely know how it will end but I said I'd update today and I wanna update so here we are. 

John's POV
Moriarty got me and I was held up in a cell somewhere Sherlock would never found me, Moriarty made sure of that. Sherlock had probably given up looking for me anyway. He probably didn't care what had happened to me. Every time he had told me he loved me, I always thought that no one could love me so I never believed him. Still, nothing I could do about it now. I couldn't do anything about anything when chained up in that dungeon.

I got tortured every day, I was beat up, whipped and sometimes they ever got a blow torch and burned me. They starved me, giving me the minimal amount of water just to keep me alive for now. With each beating, my hope of rescue from Sherlock died a little more. 

I had been there for around for a week, but I didn't really know. There wasn't any telling from my underground cell. One day, I was dragged out from my cell by Sebastian Moran and taken to the biggest room. He harshly threw me to the ground. I knew what was happening next. 

Out walked a woman wearing all black - a black dress, black heels, a black coat and she even had short, wavy black hair. In her hands was a whip. I had seen this multiple times before and I knew what was happening. She whipped me within an inch of my life, even across my face and all I could do was curl up to try and protect myself as tears streamed down my face. 

This continued for a while until Sebastian came back in. I heard her talking to him and I was suddenly pulled upwards but I was in so much pain I could barely stand. Sebastian dragged me behind him into a room I hadn't been into before. There was a desk with a chair each side. In the chair behind the desk was Moriarty.

He watched through narrow eyes as Sebastian threw me down into the chair opposite Moriarty. I barely had the energy to lift my head to look up at him. 

"So, John" Moriarty began. "It doesn't seem that Sherlock loves you as much as you thought. Then again, is that really a surprise?" I lowered my head to look at my lap, not wanting to show him the tears in my eyes. "Might as well put you out of your misery now." Moriarty said, drawing a gun from behind his back. He shot me several times in the stomach and I knew I would never be able to tell Sherlock I love him again. 

Sherlock's POV
I awoke to John's cries next to me. He was still asleep but he was yelling out and thrashing around. It was obvious he was having a nightmare. I tried to shake him awake. "John. John!" I yelled. He woke up and immediately started crying, hugging me and burying his face into my chest. I started running my hands through his tangled hair, quietly murmuring comforting words to him. 

Eventually, his breathing evened and he stopped crying. He pulled away and wiped his face. "I- I'm sorry Sherlock" "It's okay, John" He didn't look at me, just at the duvet. 

"What happened?" I questioned gently. "I, um, I had a dream that Moriarty got me and tortured me. He told me that you didn't love me and that you didn't care about me enough to save me. Then he shot me in the stomach multiple times to 'put me out of my misery'." He explained, tears welling in his eyes. I drew him into a hug. Did John really think that I didn't love him? I loved him so much that I would do anything for him. I would die for him. I did die for him. Twice.

"John" I said, pulling back from the hug. He continued to stare downwards, avoiding eye contact. "John, love, look at me" He hesitantly looked me in the eye. "I love you so much, okay? I would die for you, I've already proved that to you. If anyone tells you otherwise, tell me their name and I will end them. I never thought I could love anyone but apparently I was very, very wrong because I love you more than imaginable, okay?" John nodded, and pulled me into another hug. I rested my chin on his head. We stayed like that for a few minutes until John's breathing evened and deepened. He had fallen asleep. I gently lay him down and draped my arm around him. I loved this man so much.









So apparently that's how this chapter ends. Ima write another chapter so yall are getting a double update lol. Hope you enjoyed it x

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