You Were His Life

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Hey guys, what's up? I got this idea last night and I decided to write it down now. I just finished writing a history essay (woohoo I love history so much) and I'm watching old Top Gear specials so let's write. Sorry the title sucks, I'm bad at titles (and everything else but I guess this is just something to add to the list). This is basically the beginning of The Empty Hearse but slightly different.

3rd POV because I don't often do 3rd POV 
Sherlock had left been gone for 2 years by now and John had been hurting for two years. He didn't know where he went wrong to drive Sherlock to do this. After Sherlock had jumped, John's life grinded to a halt. Without Sherlock in his life, his life was meaningless from his point of view. 

Sherlock, on the other hand, had been tortured for 2 years and once he had been saved (much to his digust) by Mycroft, he was just looking forward to getting back to his normal life. Well, as normal as chasing murderers through London could be.

Once he had been taken back to London by Mycroft, Sherlock had a talk with his older brother about his best friend. 

"What has he been doing?" Sherlock asked, not even bothering to specify who he was speaking of. Mycroft knew.

"Nothing" Mycroft said truthfully, oh so truthfully. 

"What do you mean nothing. He must have been getting on with his life."

"What life? You've been away." Mycroft said shaking his head. 

"What do you mean?"

"After all this time with all your observations and deductions, you still don't see it, do you brother dear?" He seemed agrivated at how slow his younger brother was being. 

"See what?"

"You were his life and without you gone, he has done next to nothing during the two years."

Sherlock, for literally the first time since he learned to sepak, was speechless. He had no words. He genuinely couldn't believe that John had put his life on hold just because he had "died". Sure, he would liked to think that John would have mourned him for a short period of time, but eventually forgotten him. 

John was just in the- his flat as usual. He still wasn't used to Sherlock being dead. 2 years and he was still not over it. He had tried, he really had but he couldn't. Nothing had worked. 

John had just been sitting in his chair reading as he usually did. He rarely did anything else, apart from shopping if Mrs Hudson hadn't brought him stuff. That's what he assumed was happening when it happened.

When he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. 

He didn't even glance up when the door opened and closed. 

"Hello Mrs Hudson" His voice sounded as dead as he felt. It had no life left in it. 

There was no reply. Feeling someone's presence behind him, John closed his book and twisted round in his chair and instatly froze. 

"You- I- How?" He couldn't even think, let alone make coherent, complete sentences. 

"Long story short, not dead" Sherlock said, grinning down at the shorter man. 

The blond man stood before the taller man and did nothing but stare at him in disbelief. They just stood there in silence for approximately 7 minutes before John threw himself forward and wrapped his arms around Sherlock. 

"I missed you"

"I know. Mycroft told me everything. He said your life stopped when I left"

"It did. You were my life"

"I'm sorry, I'm really very sorry. I had to or they would have killed you and I couldn't have lived with myself if they did that an-" Sherlock broke himself off with a sob, tears streaming down his face. "I hurt you and I didn't mean to I am so sorry"

"Shh, Sherlock, it's okay, you're here now, it's okay love" John pressed a kiss to Sherlock's head. 

"I-I'm never going to leave you again, I love you too much" Sherlock managed to stutter out between his sobs.

"I love you too, Sherlock"








Hey yall hope you liked it. I actually started this on the 11th and its cuttently the 13th at 00:41am lol. Let me know what you thought in the comments. Random thing, but I watched the Imitation Game the other day, which stars Benedict Cumberbatch playing the role of Alan Turing and ngl, when it menntioned that Alan Turing killed himself, I genuinely wanted to cry. 10/10 reccomend tho lol. Anyway, see yall soon x (also we're so close to 2k tenkyu guys so much)

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