Trans!John Teenlock

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Hey so this is one of my stories from my idea book, so um yeah hope you enjoy. Basically John is trans in this one and they are teenagers. 

Sherlock's POV
I always saw the same person in my class being bullied. He always wore large, oversized hoodies. His name is John Watson now, though I think it used to be Jade (I love that name, it's so pretty). I would have helped him but a lot of my friends are the ones who bullied him. 

I always did my best to try and get my friends to stop bullying him but they never listened to me. They would always punch him and trip him and they would deadname and mis-gender him on purpose. 

I decided, one day, to try and make friends with John so he wasn't so lonely. He knew that John would not be accepted into his friend group but he would rather be friends with only John than a load of transphobic bitches. 

I walked up to him when he was at his locker. He turned around to see me and he looked absolutely terrified because he knew I was friends with his bullies. "I- I 'm not gonna hurt you" I tried to assure him. John relaxed slightly but he still looked scared of me. "What- what do you want?" He asked, trembling ever so slightly. "I just want to be your friend, and I want to apologise for the idiots I used to call my friends" I explained truthfully. Frowning slightly, he cocked his head. "Why would you want to be friends with me? No one wants to be friends with me" I was shocked did he truly have no friends? 

"Please? I really just want to get to know you" His eyes softened slightly. It had clearly been a long time since anyone had wanted to be his friend. "Do you want to go to lunch?" I asked. He glanced around quickly before agreeing. 

We went down to the canteen quickly and we got our food and went to eat outside, talking the whole time. John was surprisingly good fun. I learned that he was only out to his older sister, and she was the one who bought him his binder. He couldn't come out to his parents because he knew they wouldn't accept him. 

He said when he was older, he wanted to be an army doctor but he knew he couldn't be in the army because he was trans, so instead he wanted to be an ordinary doctor. I told him about my plans of being a consulting detective. When I mentioned it, he laughed and said no such job existed. I pretended to get annoyed at him and haughtily said I would invent the job. "You can't invent a job" "Oh I can, my dear John, of course I can" I saw him sub consciously smile at his name, instead of people blatantly dead naming him. 

We slowly became friends over the next week or so and I spent more time with him than anyone else. I protected him from anyone else whenever I could, and I ended up punching most of my old friends across the face. 

One day, John came to school really excited. I asked him what he was so excited about, and he said that Harry, his sister, was paying for him to go on hormones to begin transitioning. I was so happy for him for him that I pulled him into a hug, and I barely ever hug anyone. 

Over the next few months, John's voice slowly got deeper and his face shape changed slightly etc, all the normal things. I was so happy that he could finally be who he really was. That was until one day his parents found out about it. He turned up at my house at 11pm and he knocked on my window. I opened it and let him inside. He sat on my bed, curled up and started crying. Immediately, I ran over and hugged him and comforted him the best I could. Eventually his sobs subsided. "What happened?" I asked gently. "M-my parents, t-they fou-found out t-that I-I'm tr-trans and um they ki-kicked me out" He stuttered. My heart broke for my best friend. I held him even tighter, stroking his hair comfortingly. "You can stay here tonight, and I'll talk to my mum and ask if you can stay longer" "Thank you so much" 

John stayed with us for a few months until his sister managed to move back to London to look after him for the year and a half until he went to university. 

When we finally turned 18 and went to university, we ended up going to the same one. Mycroft managed to get it so that we were sharing a room. John seemed so much happier away from his parents and the idiots at our secondary school, and I was too. I love my parents but I will never miss the imbeciles I once called my class mates.  

Another positive was John could finally fully transition which made him even happier. It was adorable to see him so excited about it. 

Shortly after university, we moved into a flat, 221B Baker Street, which we rented from a lovely old lady I knew called Mrs Hudson, except this time we weren't just best friends, we were boyfriend and boyfriend. 

One day I was sitting up in bed with John at my side, and I had assumed that he was sleeping. I couldn't sleep, my mind was racing to try and figure out the case we were trying to solve. My thoughts were abruptly cut short by a small sniffling noise coming from the man laying beside me. I immediately knew he was crying and I put my arm around him.

"John?" I asked him. He froze, knowing I had heard him crying. Sighing, he turned around to look at me. His eyes were red and bloodshot and he had tears stains all down his face. I carefully wiped them off with the pad of my thumb. "What's wrong?" I asked him gently. "I-I'm not good enough for you, Sherlock" I was shocked. John didn't think he was good enough for me? If anything, he deserved better than me. "Why do you think that?" I asked "I love you so much and nothing can change that" He blushed slightly. "It's just Anderson and Donovan were saying that you deserved a 'real man' and that even you deserved someone better than me" John explained. I hugged him tightly to my chest. "John, if anything, you're too good for me, I don't know how you put up with me. Not only that, but those two are idiots so don't listen to them because I love you more than you will ever know, okay? You are literally perfect" John smiled. "Okay" 

The next day I managed to figure out the case and we went to Scotland Yard to tell Lestrade. We walked into his office and saw him talking to Anderson and Donovan. I politely waited for them to stop talking so I could explain everything to Gavin. As I was explaining it, I saw the two idiots talking to my Jawn, and I knew the sort of things they were saying.

I quickly finished talking to Lestrade and decided that even Scotland Yard would be able to handle it from here. I walked over to John, who still had Anderson and Donovan hovering near him, and I told him we were going. John and I started walking out but just as I was about to leave the room, I turned around and walked back to Anderson and Donovan and punched them both straight against the face. I heard John try to stifle a laugh behind me and I turned around an walked out of the door, smirking at John gleefully.

They never made fun of him again.








Hey hope yall liked it, I'll probably write one everyday? Idk, we'll see but yeah let me know if you liked it x. If you guys have any requests then feel free to message me or comment it, it just may take me a while to get round to it because of the extensive list of ideas I already have to write. 

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