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Hey plant 

I wanted to do some poetic chapter as a send off for this book but I guess that's not gonna happen now. 

I'm really sorry. You guys won't be getting any of the Part 2's I promised you all. 

I hate disappointing people. I really do. I just can't force myself to write them.

I don't want to disappoint you guys but I don't want to write those chapters.

Well I do, honestly. I really want to keep writing this book. I have so many ideas for chapters I could write and want to write. But I don't actually want to write them if that makes sense.

I would love to keep providing these chapters for you, but Sherlock isn't my fixation at the moment and I can't pretend that it is. It would be great if I could make myself have more than one fixation at once, but I can't.

Maybe after my current one wears off, I'll come back to Sherlock, but only time willl tell. 

I have absolutely loved providing these chapters for you guys for the past year and a half. It has helped me in so many ways and I even made some friends through it. 

I love you guys all so much and I want to thank each and every one of you for reading this mess of a fanfic. 

I will still reply to notifications and messages, and I'm thinking about publishing short story things about my life (more details about that in an announcement on my writing account) so I will still be active on here.

Just not writing this.

I still love Sherlock and this fandom, and I am still a part of it. If I follow you and read your Sherlock books and you update them, then I will still read and vote on them. 

Please don't hate me for this.

If I could control it, I would absolutely stay here. I would maybe even force myself to write those final chapters for you guys if I had the time, but I have exams this year and a load of assessments and I just don't have the time to write something that will take me ages to do because I don't particularly have the motivation for it. 

Thank you guys all so much for 44k reads. When I published my first chapter of this book in November 2020 from my bedroom, I never thought it would get this far, with over 70 chapters, over 1k votes, and over 44k reads. It makes me so happy to know that other people enjoy the content I once produced. 

For (probably) the last time in this book, adios/hwyl fawr/kwaheri/au revoir/zàijiàn/goodbye, and thank you for your reads and support <3
(^^^ those are the only different ways I know how to say goodbye, I don't speak many languages)

Also, I don't know if I ever actually explained the nickname "plant" I use for you guys, it literally just means "children" in Welsh haha.


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