Chapter 27

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Carol was almost finished breastfeeding her newborn son when her husband carefully held his wife's red sash to cover her and the child from being exposed. Then, Methu-Selah carried his son when his wife took her hospital gown back onto her body. She looked at her spouse playing and cuddling with the little boy as Amnon went laughing at his father. The half-Kree woman was more pleased than ever when she saw their moment as a father and son.

" You made him laughing so hard, Methie! " she chuckled.

" I'm trying to get his funny bone into place, " the Kree Eternal replied and carried his son when he sat beside his wife, giving Amnon back to her arms. " There's our little young man who likes to rejoin with you. "

Amnon cooed and smiled at his parents when they were happy to see him. Looking at the sunset, Methu-Selah sighed in relief and got captivated when the sun walked away with shades yellow gold to blue clouds.

" My, how time flies! " he broke his silence.

" It was just last night when I gave birth to this young handsome gentleman, " she held her son into her arms and gently kissed his forehead. The infant babbled in awe when he saw his mother doing it.

" Soon enough, we can witness him growing up very soon, " Methu-Selah added.

" Do you think he would be like you? "

" Hmmm, I think so, " he smiled and nodded. " Let's see what he really desires in life. "

" Yeah, " Carol smiled and nodded, watching her son cooing and babbling.

Suddenly, she heard the phone ringing on the bedside and glanced at her husband to answer it. Methu-Selah nodded and instantly picked it up.

" Hello? " the Kree Eternal curiously raised his voice.

" Meir, it's me, Joe Jr! " a slightly high pitched voice happily greeted him over the phone. " How's my dear sister and brother-in-law! "

" We're all good, " he replied and looked at his wife and son. " How about you? "

" I'm good with my wife here. Even, the Green Poison Virus gets wilder than ever. I'm glad we have never caught one to get sick. How come you guys are in Paris? Tell me, you guys grabbed an opportunity to go there? For safer and greener pastures? "

Methu-Selah deeply thought of his answer and recalled that evening when he, his wife, and mutant friend had decided to leave America for good. The Kree Eternal never wanted to disclose about his wife's involvement with the Rikers, since he had found it useless and controversial to brought up. He turned to his wife and son.

" Well, yes. We made our decision to stay here, " he said. " But eventually we'll be visiting America once my son has grown up. "

" You and Carol have a son? " Joe Jr. raised his voice and got intrigued.

" Yes. Carol has given birth last night. Do you wish to see them? "

" She just..." his brother-in-law paused in shock for a while and continued. " Mind if I could see her? I mean them? "

" Of course! "

Methu-Selah switched the device's camera on and pointed at his blonde wife and newborn child. The other blonde man was surprised to see his sister and nephew.

" JJ, it's good to see you again, " Carol happily greeted her brother. " You're an uncle, now! "

" Oh....Wow! " Joe Jr. joyfully exclaimed to his little nephew. " He's so adorable! You know this lil fella reminds me of you when you were born! "

A SON'S RESTITUTIONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora