Chapter 34

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" On the other news, a group of armed men has oppressed some tourists and staff at the Smithsonian Museum. 50 Dead and 12 injured. The police begins the investigation and interrogation of witnesses including the former Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers-Montmartre and her family. "

Amnon paid attention to the TV news after he met a policewoman and a child psychologist who were responsible for his interrogation and spending thirty minutes to answer their questions. This time, he was waiting for his parents to finish their turn when he remained well-behaved with a hint of fear and uncertainty. The boy ignored the cops and people coming and going around the hallway which his 8th birthday turned into a day of infamy. Amnon sadly bowed his head and sulked at the bench which he didn't want anybody to notice him. He moved himself to the farthest corner of the bench, anticipating for his parents to leave the interrogation room.

Without any notice, a dark blonde haired man stood beside him. Amnon slowly moved his head to his left and saw the same person whom he had met few hours ago. The boy was closemouthed and had no reaction in encountering the soldier again. Then, he curiously raised his eyebrows, thinking of what the man was doing here at the moment.

" Mind if I could take a seat beside you? " the former soldier and prison warden asked.

Amnon nodded no furiously when Walker sat beside him on the bench. The young Kree hybrid became uneasier than ever and saw a smear of red blood on the shield. He couldn't believe in what he was seeing. Walker stared at the boy with concern and crossed his arms.

" Is there something wrong, Kid? "

" Nothing, Mr. Walker, nothing, " Amnon emotionlessly spoke, trying to brush off the question.

" Are you sure? "

" Yes, sir. "

The Kree Eternal hybrid boy was still non-talking and thinking of many questions related to that incident. He was composing his thoughts before he could ask. Walker waited for him to speak up and cleared his throat.

" Kid, you're free to ask me anything while waiting for your parents to finish their talk, " he reminded. " We can't waste much time in staring nowhere. "

" Yeah, I have one, Mr. Walker, " Amnon broke his silence and looked at him.

" Go on. "

" Why there's blood on that shield? Did you kill somebody earlier? "

The soldier was stunned to hear the child's question as he became uncomfortable to answer it. Walker was trying to compose his thoughts and recalling that Smithsonian Museum incident. He was aware there were adults and children involved. Facing the armed terrorists, he remembered he brutally struck one of them while the police were shooting and arresting some of them. He took a deep breath and stared at the boy.

" You know, Kid, " Walker said. " There are times that you need to take skirmish in protecting anybody. "

" Why? "

" The bad guys, those armed people you saw earlier. They caused a lot of trouble. They killed the innocents like you. You and your parents could have been dead if we don't act. "

" Is it good enough to kill them? "

" That depends. Sometimes, every hero has to take brutality to these oppressors. This will bring justice for those who get affected. Like an old saying goes, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. "

Amnon heard the former soldier's answers and couldn't understand anything. He was very doubtful to trust this man as he was raising his eyebrows. For a young mind, it's too complicated to believe and comprehend such terror and brutal justice that he had seen. Before this conversation, one of his interviewers asked him to draw the incident with pencils and crayons. He drew the men dressed in dark clothes and weapons, killing the people inside the museum and cornering his family. In that drawing, he doodled a pool of blood using a red crayon, even hearing and seeing such skirmish. The boy's long silence got interrupted when Walker called his attention.

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