Chapter 43

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(Paris, France: 4:20 PM)

Moving her head around, Carol Danvers-Montmartre became uneasy that someone was following. The crowd waited for the subway train to come by. The female android was intently looking and secretly scanning at her. The blonde half-Kree woman didn't want to use her powers in public anymore since she had given up her life as an ordinary citizen.

When the metro arrived at the station, the doors had instantly opened when the crowd had entered. Carol joined them in taking the ride, avoided the strange android, and sighed in relief, taking her seat beside the old lady.

" Vous semblez troublé. Est-ce que ça va? (You seem troubled. Are you okay?) "  the elderly woman asked with concern.

The blonde half-Kree woman falsely chuckled and replied, hiding her sudden hesitation. She replied, " Non, je vais bien! J'ai été si fatigué. (No, I'm just fine! I have been so tired.) "

"  Le travail vous a beaucoup occupé en dehors de votre vie de famille. Vous devriez faire une pause avec eux. (Work has occupied you a lot aside from your family life. You should take a break along with them.) "

" J'espere. Peut-être que j'attends avec impatience de belles vacances bientôt. (I hope so. Perhaps, I'm looking forward for a nice vacation soon.) "

" Profitez de votre vie avec eux avant de finir comme moi, une femme veuve qui a trop travaillé et pleuré mon défunt mari. Mes enfants ne sont plus avec moi. Ils ont leur propre vie et me rendent rarement visite. (Enjoy your life with them before you end up like me, a widowed woman who spent life working too much and grieving for my late husband. My children are no longer with me. They have a life of their own and seldomly visit me.) "

Carol sadly sighed and said, " Je vois. Je suis désolé d'entendre ça. Eh bien, j'espère qu'ils viendront vous voir bientôt. (I see. I'm sorry to hear that. Well, I hope they will come and see you soon.) "

Merci, jeune fille. (Thank you, young lady.) "   the elderly woman smiled.

" Je vous en prie. (You're welcome.) "

Minutes later, the subway train arrived in the Champs Elysèes station when the doors had opened again. The sea of crowd had left the public locomotive like a school of fish rushingly swimming in the sea. Carol aided the old woman going to the stairs and noticed the same female android who stalk her several minutes ago. She became more unnerved than earlier and ignored it when they were reaching the stairs.

Finally, they had gone out of the Metro as Carol waved goodbye to the elderly lady. Walking her way to the sidewalk, she spotted her husband and son, leaving the grocery store and carrying the brown bags of purchased items. Methu-Selah or Meir noticed his wife coming as he walked over along with his son. Amnon was thrilled, happily rushing towards his mother, and clinging to her.  Methu-Selah gently placed his lips to his wife as Carol passionately kissed him.

" You're late, my Starling, " he whispered.

" I just caught up on human traffic in the Metro, " she softly chuckled when her uneasiness had subsided in seeing her family.

" Mom, Dad and I had just bought food for dinner later, " Amnon added. " I'm gonna help you guys in the kitchen. "

" Glad to hear you volunteering later, " Carol smiled and gently patted her son's shoulder. " I'm sure you will make something delicious, little chef! "

" Right, " the young Kree Eternal-Human hybrid nodded.

" All right, we have to get going before our visitors will come, " the Kree Eternal professor reminded when his wife and son walked along with him.

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