Chapter 3

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(Washington DC, 9:00 PM)

Colonel Carol Danvers had rented a hotel room which she spent her few days for resting after meeting with the president. The blonde half-Kree woman laid on her bed and kept thinking of what the Head of State had said.

Building another future was the key to redeem herself after all the unfortunate events happened on the past several days. Somehow, she was contemplating to bring the Alpha Flight back, however the dark memories of impaling Tony Stark had haunted her.

Carol bumped herself on the pillow. She wanted to forget those terrible things and have a more peaceful life aside from her responsibility as a protector of the planet.

" Why this damn incident can't get off my mind?!" she angrily thought. " I'm trying to redeem myself! "

She grimaced and took the TV remote to escape the bad memory by watching programs. A commercial was on for a while with some food, beauty, and other things. Until she curiously looked to a new one. In the background of a company for ghost removal, it was headed by three buddist monks.

" Weird, I've never seen these guys before..." she turned up the volume and got curious.

" Do you have a stubborn ghost who will not leave place of residence? We the Psychic Brothers hear, see, and speak. Evil will guarantee their flee or service is free. We have been trained in psychic power by high monks of the Eastern Mountain. Only 45.99 per visit and one is all we need, " the brothers said in unison.

" Seriously, they seemed interesting, but I have a ghost to deal on my own. And that's my evil self who made all the ruckus several days ago, " she sighed and turned to the window to check the streets.

The streets were quiet and normal as the view of the Capitol Hill was seen. Traffic was light to moderate with the sounds of people talking and walking on the sidewalks. This was too ideal for a nightlife to escape these terrors from her mind.

Carol thought of going to have a date with her new boyfriend as she began texting him. She was smiling as she wanted him to invite for a dinner date. Suddenly, she received a message from her boyfriend and checked it.

" Sounds fun, starling! I'm treating you for dinner! See you around in an authentic Japanese restaurant in ten minutes! - Meir "

" Yes!!! " she blushed and happily thought.

Carol took a shower, started to change her clothes, and had her make-up. She took her high heels and wore it. The half-Kree woman looked at the mirror wearing her most confident smile. It was her chance to break herself from all the troubles.

She left the hotel and headed her way to the restaurant where a blonde spectacled man in a black suit waved at her. Jean Meir Montmartre or Methu-Selah was wearing a smile and approaching her.

" Meir! " Carol called her boyfriend's Earthname to keep his true identity and hugged him. " So, you just flew all over from the other hotel. "

" Teleported, rather. You're so excited to see me, starling! " the Kree spoke and kissed her cheeks.

" You look handsome in a black suit, " she smiled and kissed him back. " You know, this is our chance to have our time together. No bad guys or whatever, just the two of us. I want a full meal dinner! "

" You seemed to have big appetite, " he laughed and gently poked her tummy. " Come on, let's go. "

Carol giggled at him and held his hands as they went walking. A well dressed British looking man with black eyeliner was watching them as he appeared to be trying to flag down a taxi. His eyes gave Carol the shivers. Methu-Selah sensed the man's sinister mind and aura tightly holding his girlfriend's lower back. Somehow, he had seen trouble which it would happen later. Then, he turned to her when she gave him a very concerned look.

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