Chapter 32

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" What's the matter Captain No-Good? You're too afraid taking me down?! " Barry taunted and gave her a hardy laugh when the little boy was still crying. " Let's have a game of bloodbath, let's see if you can save anyone just like you used to?! "

" You stay out of our way, Crawford! " Methu-Selah retorted. " One damn move..."

" Not yet, but I will take you down too, later!  " the Crocodile Faunus menacingly grinned and instantly grabbed a park security staff who was holding a pistol.

The guard kept shooting the HYDRA Agent as he was unaffected from the bullets. Fashia was unamused and heavily sighing on what her boyfriend had done. She was grimacing and crossing her arms.

" Barry, you idiot! " Fashia indignantly cried. " You are supposed to take down Madame Light Show and her family, not some cannon fodder! "

" I'm just trying to taunt Captain No-Good and letting her see what she had done before! "

" Right, right! Go on! Suit yourself! "

Barry turned to the family and spoke, " Now, where was I?! Oh, right! How about letting you see what you have done? I'm gonna show to your man and kid about what have you done six years ago! How you have mutilated Stark and your other allies! Then, later you joined that good for nothing faction! You are killing machine, not a heroine! I don't you fit in that category! This is your future! You deserve to die! "

" No, stop! Stop this! " Carol loudly exclaimed.

The Crocodile Faunus HYDRA Agent choked the park security to death using his left hand and instantly pinned him down in the abdomen using his sharpest claws on his right. The red blood was dripping and shedding on the ground. Fashia mercilessly watched the man had kicked the bucket. The half-Kree woman widened her eyes in shock and covered her son's eyes. Methu-Selah sternly glared at the HYDRA Agents and radiated his both hands more.

" You wretched one! " the Kree Eternal angrily spoke. " You have defiled this place! "

" Heh, more bloodshed, the merrier! " Barry maniacally laughed and immediately rushed to Methu-Selah, placing his claws into his abdomen when a gush of blue blood splattered. The Kree Eternal instantly fell down on his knees.

Carol enlarged and watered her eyes to her surprise that her dearly beloved spouse was facing death. Little Amnon loudly wailed and wept as he was too young to see the horrible scene in the park. Fashia intently grinned and walked over to the mother and son. She instantly grabbed the little boy who kept crying away from her mother.

" LET HIM GO! " the blonde half-Kree lady yelled.

" Show us if you can fight and save your family! " Fashia indignantly dared her and carried Little Amnon. Then, she turned to Barry and ordered, " Kill her! "

" It's a pleasure, my dear!! "

Carol noticed her son was wailing and her husband struggling in pain while regenerating. She was supposed not to use her powers anymore, but this situation had forced her to do it.  The half-Kree lady illuminated her both hands in golden yellow light. She thought of ending the brutal HYDRA Agent's life and gave him a multiple photon blast. Barry dodged them in such instantaneous speeds and focused on his target, grinning and reaching her. Carol gave him an intense blow on his gut, but the evil Faunus was unaffected from her strikes.

Barry immediately stood up and laughed, " Is that what you have got Captain No-Good! "

" You need to go away, " she seriously replied. " You hurt my family! I have shown you how you got hurt. "

" Not quite enough. "

The Crocodile Faunus slashed her abdomen when a gush of red blood had stained her clothes. Carol fell down and recalled the day she died. She never wanted to experience near death again, however she failed in taking the murderous HYDRA Agent down. She helplessly saw her husband and son in tremendous difficulty. Barry laughed like a hyena when Fashia was still carrying Little Amnon.

" Well, this garçon is your next victim, Barry, " Fashia said. " You killed his parents. Now, do it! "

" Of course,  my dear, " Barry snickered and wiped his claws using left hand.  " Captain No-Good's brat is also weak like his mommy and then his daddy! He will die and join them! "

Little Amnon couldn't comprehend the situation as he was still shrieking in fear. Both of his parents were dying on the public place. The park security saw the perilous situation, but they were afraid to confront the two HYDRA Agents. Barry and Fashia were ready to mutilate the child for good when they grinned at him. Suddenly, a bluish white blast had caught their attention and sent them down. In a matter of seconds, the child got disappeared when Fashia widened her eyes in shock.

" Fashia, what the hell?! " the crocodile Faunus man exclaimed.

" The boy! Who did this! " she added.

" I don't know, why don't you keep an eye on him! "

" But I was never aware! "

" What do you mean you're not aware! Dammit, I should have killed that little brat! "

" Look, I don't know where he is, okay?! The most important thing is we killed his parents and ditched the garçon for good! "

" But still, he's going to have his damn future like his parents! "

Fashia heavily sighed when her reptilian boyfriend carefully aided her to stand up. Barry had no choice, but to help her. All of a sudden, he felt being blasted with the same bright light. The HYDRA Agent was not pleased to be tackled down by a mysterious powerful entity. He was angrily growling and thinking of slashing his opponent, but a fast streaks of blue light had circled around him and made him more disoriented than ever. Fashia was confused in seeing what was happening.

" What on Earth?! " he angrily exclaimed. " Fashia, it's damn light again! "

" I don't even know where was it coming from?! " she replied.

" It should be stopped! "

" Barry, look behind you! "

" What?! "

" Are you that blind?! "

" No! "

Suddenly, he was being smacked down by an lowercut punch on his scaly face. The crocodile Faunus man fell down and became unconscious. The dark-haired woman slowly crawled and sat beside her boyfriend when he slowly opened his eyes.

" Barry! " she exclaimed. " Are you all right? "

" Not good, " he moaned in pain and grimaced. " My head! Damn, it hurts! "

" This is because you put us into death, " a deep male voice echoed.

The figure appeared to be a blue skinned man with long silvery white locks. The Kree Eternal was wearing a white battlesuit with some red trimmings and clenching his both fists, showing his radiant blue-white photonic energy. Just behind him, his blonde wife was recovered from the heavy bleeding and carrying her little son who was still wailing.

" You!! " Barry angrily gritted his teeth. " You should be dead by now!! "

" I cannot tolerate your skirmish, " Methu-Selah seriously spoke. " You're going to face death if you keep doing this! "

" Heh, it's just because you don't know what HYDRA will do soon enough! "

" That's enough! " Carol added. " I don't want to fight anymore! Just leave us alone! "

" Leave us alone, " Fashia repeated the word and laughed. " You just let trouble happen at any place! I am sure you will be brought to shame again! "

" Tell me, who sent you here?! "

" Why don't you figure it out by yourself! Hail Hydra! "

Barry and Fashia had immediately left when the guards and some park goers had witnessed everything. The police just arrived as Methu-Selah and his family walked away and thought of going home. Carol looked at Little Amnon and her husband with concern and sadly sighed. She felt guilty for putting them into sudden trouble.

" Methie, I'm sorry..." she spoke. " I didn't know this had happened.  "

" Carol, it's not your fault, " her husband hugged her and his son and assured. " Those people are still after you. We should stay out of trouble from now on. HYDRA is watching over us. "

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