Chapter 30

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Carol Danvers-Montmartre was busily attending and taking care of her newborn son as she changed her son diapers. For her, it was difficult to adjust her new life as a parent. Hank McCoy noticed her struggle and dedication in the couple of hours when he was assisting her. This afternoon, he entered the room and saw her finished fixing her son. The mutant UN Official brought some food and other supplies for the mother and child and placed them on the bedside.

" Hank, please don't bother yourself bringing and buying these stuff for us, " Carol wryly smiled and felt embarrassed at her old
friend's generosity.

" Before your husband left, he asked me to buy some necessary items for you and Little Amnon, " the blue skinned man reminded and sat down on his seat. " Meir couldn't stand leaving you both empty-handed. "

" Oh, he just knew...Thanks. "

" Mrs. Montmartre, you are a one lucky lady who married a very thoughtful and caring man from a distant alien civilization. Honestly, I envy you both. "

Carol slightly sighed and smiled while looking at the newborn and then at the window. She thought of how her spouse and their newfound friend were doing in Krakoa. Then, she turned to Hank and replied, " Perhaps, you should make an effort to Brand in winning her. "

" Well..." Hank blushed and nervously smiled. " I can't make a time  to meet and have a chat with her. It's just we have so much responsibilities to accomplish. Maybe, one of these days I can make sure to insert my time with her. "

" That's great to know. "

Suddenly, they both heard a knock on the door when Hank instantly stood up from his seat and opened the door. It happened to be a tall African-American woman in her late thirties to early forties. She had a dark short hair and a set of velvet irises on her both eyes.  The visitor was dressed like Carol's battlesuit, but it was monochromatic. She also brought some gifts for the new mother and son. Both Carol and Hank recognized and smiled at her.

" Monica? " the blonde half-Kree woman called the visitor's first name.

Monica Rambeau hugged her former Avenger friend, felt pleased to see her and the little boy, and replied, " Carol, it's good to see you again! It's long time no see! "

" Yeah. "

" It's also good to see you again, Ms. Rambeau, " Hank greeted and smiled.

" It's nice to see The Beast in helping these two here, " Monica answered.

" It's just I have been helping a friend out. Anyways, I shall leave you ladies for a talk. I'll just go to the cafeteria and have a snack. I will be right back. "

" Sure, Hank, " Carol answered while carrying her son.

The furry blue skinned mutant nodded and left the room, carefully closing the door. Monica placed the gifts on Carol's bedside as the half-Kree mother got overwhelmed and shocked to see another belonging being added inside the room.

" Monica, you don't have to..." she paused.

" Carol, just take it, " Monica grinned and looked at the baby. " You have an adorable little guy who needs some stuff. Then, you also need some. "

" Thanks, " Carol slightly smiled and offered her friend a seat. " Monica, have a seat. "

" Sure, thanks, " the lady Avenger smiled back and immediately took her seat beside her friend.

Little Amnon curiously eyed and cooed at the visitor as he seemed like talking to her. Monica heard his little voice and found him too cute. Carol carefully carried her son and showed him to her friend.

" I can't help seeing and hearing your son's cuteness, " Monica commented. " I'm pretty sure he can go places when he grows up. He's just like you, Carol. "

" He gets more after his father than me, " Carol answered and softly chuckled.

" So, what's your boy's name? " she queried.

" Amnon Joseph Montmartre, " the blonde half-Kree replied. " My husband and I have decided to combine both Kree and Earth names for him. "

" Fair enough and interesting to use both, " Monica smiled and changed her topic as she recalled. " By the way, Carol. I just came to visit you since Jessica told me about living here in Paris. So after I spent monitoring above the planet, I decided to meet you. "

Carol remained silent and recalled those nine months when she left the Avengers and let Monica take over her mantle as Captain Marvel. In seeing a fellow Avenger, she felt guilty and ashamed since she remembered that day the Rikers and her former friends fought. Monica noticed her friend's long silence and looked at her with concern. She knew that the half-Kree woman committed a serious offense and made such problems.

" Carol, what's wrong? " she asked and gently patted her friend's back.

" Monica, I don't know what to say, " Carol sadly bowed. " I just..."

" Carol, I already knew what you have done, " Monica calmly spoke. " Look, I don't judge you why you left us and joined that dangerous criminal faction. You were trying to prove yourself that you're still the hero that we knew before. "

" It was all a damn mistake, " she vented out. " I have reckoned everything that I have done was meaningless. I made a lot of trouble on your part, but I thought it would help you all. It's all my fault. "

" Carol. Please don't you ever say that. "

" I mean it, Monica. I have been so irrational, immature, and stubborn all along. I almost died, got imprisoned, and became a criminal. These experiences made me to realise I am becoming the worst and most horrible person in the world. Everyone hates me because of my decisions and actions. "

Monica listened and heavily sighed when she looked at her and then to her son. She felt sorry to the half-Kree woman and composed her words which it took a while for her to respond. Little Amnon kept cooing at his mother and held her index finger. Carol felt helpless when she noticed her son doing it.

" Carol, you have been through all of those, " the African-American woman gently rubbed her friend's back and eyed to her son. " Your husband takes care of you so much and makes sure you two are fine. Then, your son came into existence. Even you made such a horrible thing, they won't let you down. Who knows, they will give you such joy in your new journey as a mom.  Just empower  and redeem yourself. "

" Monica..."

" Sometimes, you have to learn to appreciate things in your new life. Who knows, it gives you more satisfaction than what you had before. Eventually, your son will help you in the future. "

Carol understood what her friend had said and recalled what her psychologist mentioned of having a peaceful civilian life. This time, she was attaining it since she had left New York City to Paris. Her husband and another mutant friend had helped her escaped from a problematic situation. Now, she was experiencing peace and satisfaction that she had ever wanted and hoped for in the first place.

Monica was happy for the former Avenger as she watched Carol carrying her son in her arms. Little Amnon cooed and babbled at his mother and visitor when he was pleased.

" See? " the African-American lady sincerely smiled at them. " Your kid is hoping to grow with you. It's your new life now. Don't dwell in the past, but focus in the present and in the future. " 

" He surely is, " Carol replied. " I hope I will do anything to be his mother. "

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