Chapter 26

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Suddenly, a hooded man who was friend of the Kree Eternal and his wife appeared. He smiled at the couple and the newborn child. Warren suspiciously kept his eyes on the hooded man.

" Hey, I believe you have the wrong room here, " the mutant reminded.

" No, it's okay. I'm also their friend, " he nervously smiled. " I'm the one who helped this couple. "

" Huh, really? They never mention you before. But alright, " Warren spoke and stepped aside to allow the hooded man to enter Carol's room. "What's your name, by the way?"

" Miles Slader, " he smiled and offered a handshake when Warren responded him.

" Warren Evans, good to meet you."

" Oh, same here! " he replied. " Well, my friend just predicted the boy's birthday, before. I'm the one who brought them into the future. "

" Hmm, are your powers time manipulation of some sort? " Warren said to Miles.

" Well, not only that, but I can make portals as well, " he nodded and brought a stuffed bear for little Amnon which he took it from another dimension. " There you go, Kid! This is your birthday gift from Uncle Miles! "

Amnon curiously stared at the brown bear, babbled and smiled. Carol and her husband were pleased to see their son talking to a stuffed animal.

" That's your first client, my boy, " his father grinned and gently touched his son's head. " You can proceed to help him in your first court case. "

" I did bring them into the future. Carol and Methu both saw their son as a lawyer and a superhero, " Miles continued while looking at the little boy babbling with his stuffed bear. " That will be his life thirty years from now.

" Thirty years?! " Warren repeated the word to his surprise. " Wow, I'll be 56 by the time we get there."

" Well, yeah, " he grinned. " I think you should start to make a better future! "

Suddenly, they all heard a knock on the door. Warren and Miles paused their conversation and turned their attention to the door.

" Ah, I believe we have another friend that arrive, " he went to open the door to Carol's room to greet the person.

Miles, Methu-Selah, and Carol noticed a dark haired woman from the Avengers who wore in a red shirt. It was Jessica Drew-Rhodes or Spider Woman who came to visit. The blonde half-Kree woman didn't expect to be visited by fellow Avenger.

" Jess..." Carol muttered in disbelief.

" Carol! " Jessica beamed as she was about to hug the new mother. " It's good to see you again! "

" Same here, I missed you guys! "

" Likewise, I have heard you guys settled here, " she said and turned to the newborn. " Is this your baby? "

" Yes! "

" He looks adorable! "

" Yes, he is! "

Little Amnon curiously looked at the new visitor as he cooed in his greeting. Jessica felt pleased to see the boy on his mother's arms.

" Gerry could have meet your little guy, here, " the dark haired Avenger said.

" Well, you could have brought him here, Jess, " Carol suggested.

" Rhodey's babysitting him while I'm away. So, soon enough, they will meet him. "

" You know this woman? " Warren curiously said to Carol.

" Yes, she's my best friend, before I got forced to leave the Avengers, " the blonde half-Kree replied. " She's Spider-Woman, by the way. "

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