Chapter 31

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(SOKOVIA: 8:30 PM)

In a crowded pub, several male Caucasian patrons spent laughing and merry making which they watched in the wide screen tv of the FIFA World Cup match of France versus Germany and murmured to take their bets from their favourite players. They happily cheered and exclaimed to see a goal happening. The others toasted their golden and foamy beer mugs while watching the victory of German soccer players.

On the distant corner of the pub, a long haired Crocodile Faunus man was sitting alone and drinking fourteen bottles of beer. He was not amazed to see the patrons with their extreme enthusiasm in watching the famous FIFA players. He heavily sighed and took another bottle of beer, slowly sipping at it, however he got interrupted when a tall lanky and pale man in a dark suit grinned at him. The crocodile Faunus man was not pleased to be disturbed in his solitude and angrily growling at him.

" Barry Crawford, it's good to see you again, " the man calmly spoke and smiled when he crossed his arms.

" Who the hell are you?! " Barry indignantly asked and glared at him. " How the hell did you know my name?! "

The man instantly took a seat and raised his left hand interjection as he said, " Remember what you and those two idiots have done to Captain Marvel more than five years ago? I was there watching you almost took her demise. "

" Look, I was doing my job for HYDRA in slaughtering these damn losers. I don't work for you, " the crocodile Faunus man sternly answered. " Secondly, you haven't answered my question! "

" Oh, forgive me for not introducing myself, " he chuckled. " The name's Oblivion. I am responsible for putting Captain Marvel into her plumetting despair back in Russia. I was revived and released by the Great Mephisto himself. "

Barry angrily crossed his eyebrows at Oblivion as he sneered. He was not pleased to meet him and releasing his claws, threatening him. Barry thought this man would be another rival or threat as he wanted to kill Carol Danvers-Montmartre for good. Oblivion loudly laughed at the crocodile Faunus man's behaviour when he was calling at the other's attention. Barry felt embarrased and took his sip of beer.

" Look, it's my long term mission to take the head of Captain No-Good for years, " he explained and heavily sighed. " Yet, I failed because of that damn blue skin man and his mutant friend. "

" Ah, yes, " Oblivion shrugged. " I was responsible for making her an international terrorist and letting her put into jail after her honeymoon. Then, I watched her at the court trial winning her damn case! "

" I told you, she's better off, dead. "

" No! It's better to put that overpowered Kree hybrid woman to put her into her greatest misery and failure first before she dies! "

" Slow tactics, but wise plan, " Barry blandly commented and finished his fifteenth bottle of beer. " Now, what brings you here? "

" Here is my proposal, " Oblivion snapped his fingers and continued. " I need a skirmish HYDRA Agent like you who can wreak havoc and putting someone into their demise. "

" And? "

" I am the brains of taking down Captain No-Good as we will plan to intrude her and her family. "

Barry understood and slowly smiled. He got the clear picture of what his next mission would be. He was very eager to do it when he carefully listened to Oblivion's explanation. The crocodile Faunus man could figure out how to put the half Kree woman's blood on his hands.

" Nice plan, since we have a common enemy that needs to take down, " he nodded in agreement.

" Of course, Barry, " the pale man intently grinned. " Let's just take this done once and for all. "

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