Chapter 18

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(Orchard Street, Lower East Manhattan, 5:00 PM)

Jean Meir Montmartre or Methu-Selah met his wife at a Chinese restaurant where they had their dinner together. They were sitting on the distant corner of the eatery where they could converse privately while eating hot noodles soup and pork bun.

" Keener was here, " Carol broke her silence. " I saw him. "

" Was he one of your colleagues back in SHIELD before? " her husband asked.

" Yeah, he was reminding me of what I have done five years ago. He just said about this epidemic is just part of Ulysses's prediction before he passed away. "

Methu-Selah raised his eyebrows and recalled an essay which his late student had written before. The Kree Eternal professor read his work before the terrigen explosion happened at the University of Ohio campus. It was something about the possible epidemic which it could happen anytime in the future.

" That's odd, but true, " he broke his silence. " Ulysees had mentioned that one in his essay. So, did Keener meet the boy before? "

" I'm not so sure, but he just mentioned this to happen. If he did, he could have tried to conspire against me or anyone in the Avengers. "

" If only, we could warn anyone about this, but everyone put their attention to the epidemic, " her husband answered after finishing his meal. " But you have left the Avengers few months ago. "

" I wish we could contact Fury or Hill for this one. "

" Right, " he nodded and left some bills at the cash tray.

A Chinese-American woman smiled at the couple and took the payment. Methu-Selah and Carol had left the establishment after taking their meal. Going back to the sidewalk to the subway, they noticed a bald African-American man wearing an eyepatch on his left-eye and crossing his arms.

" It looks like we need to talk, " he called their attention.

" Fury? " Carol curiously mentioned the man's name.

" You, Kree lovebirds, come with me at the van, " Fury said and offered them a ride.

Methu-Selah and his wife exchanged glances and followed the former SHIELD Agent as they joined him into the vehicle. Driving around the streets, the three had headed their way to the other side of New York and kept conversing. Carol and her husband remained sitting at the backseat while Fury was on the driver's seat.

" So, I take it, you got yourself into trouble again back in St. Petersburg and spent your days behind bars in France? " Fury asked.

" Yeah, " Carol sadly replied and held her husband's right hand. " I was an international terrorist. "

" So, you did the same damn mistake? "

" I was just fighting against the guy named Oblivion. Then, he made me turned out to be a destroyer.  "

" Monty, what did you think about your wife's case? " Fury asked the Kree Eternal.

" It's manipulated, Mr. Fury, " Methu-Selah replied and raised his left hand in interjection. " Like my wife was supposed to stop HYDRA agents, but she ended up being framed. "

" Speaking of HYDRA, I did encounter those fools five years ago. "

" Fury, I'm sorry. I didn't know..." Carol sighed.

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