Chapter 45

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(Two Hours After the Unexpected Assault)

The Montmartre spouses returned home into the apartment after they got interrogated by the police for that incident. Warren Evans and Hank McCoy remained in the family's flat and kept their eyes on Amnon who peacefully slept in his room. Suddenly, the two mutant men heard a knock on the door.

" Warren, I think it's them, " the old dark blue skinned man reminded.

" I'll get it, " his blonde bearded friend nodded and stood up, walking over and opening the door.

Carol and her husband slightly smiled at their two friends, but they were physically and mentally exhausted after that conflict and police interrogation. Warren had let them enter their premise. The spouses had comfortably sat down on their golden brown couch. Methu-Selah placed his arm on his wife as she did the same to him. Carol was leaning her head on her husband's shoulders.

Hank stood from the seat and politely asked them, " How's your session with the police? "

" We reported the incident which they couldn't find anything about the suspect, " the Kree Eternal heavily sighed and replied.

" Damn..." Warren sternly commented. " Are they even aware of who those people are? That thing almost attacked you and your kid there. "

" Methie and I tried reasoning and explaining to them, " Carol replied. " They will try to investigate who's responsible for that incident. "

" The police will take a long time for that process, " the former US ambassador to the United Nations said and raised his hand in interjection. " I don't think they will give you protection for your family's safety. "

" Hank, we've demanded them to do their immediate action, but they brushed us off. "

" We answered their questions, but I don't think we can trust them, " her husband added.

The two mutant men heard the spouses and shared glances which they had already known that the police couldn't guarantee them for any speedy results of the incident report. Carol anxiously looked at her husband as he hugged her. She understood that her detractors have been stalking her ever since she started the great division of the Avengers. Some had almost taken down her life in front of her husband. Years later, the half-Kree woman was accused as a terrorist in Russia. Then, she became involved in joining the Rikers against HYDRA before her exile to Paris.

" You know what? I have been labelled as a marked woman for the rest of my life, " she broke her silence and let a deep sigh when her husband gently rubbed her back. " I've been stalked and hunted down ever since I got here. "

" Wait, what?! " Warren exclaimed in shock. " Hank, Methu, what is she talking about?! "

" Warren, remember what we did eight years ago? " Methu-Selah reminded. " You helped us escape from New York to Paris. My wife was involved with a terrorist faction against HYDRA. "

" Oh, goodness...Why?! "

" I just wanted to defeat HYDRA on my own without the Avengers' help, " Carol reasoned. " I met a former SHIELD Agent who happened to be a criminal and assembled some prisoners. They brought me into the faction as we can defeat Keener. "

" Who's Keener? " Hank asked, becoming intrigued to his friend's statement.

" An undercover HYDRA agent who used to work with SHIELD. He's working with that crocodile guy who assaulted me before. "

" So, your life was in danger at that time? " Warren surmised and raised his voice at her. " Did you even think you were carrying your son inside the womb?! You and Amnon could have been killed! "

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