Chapter 38

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Looking at the starry skies on the hotel room's window, Amnon waited for himself to have his shut-eye and comfortably leaned on his bed. He thought about his mother who was very uneasy earlier this afternoon and wondered why she was behaving that way in the past several days. The young Kree Eternal hybrid wanted more answers from her and became more intrigued.

Suddenly, he heard something outside of his room, instantly stood up from his bed, and turned on the lights. Amnon opened the door and moved his head around when the place was dead silent and dark. He couldn't hear anything as he started to turn on the hotel room's lights. The boy slowly tip-toed and knew his parents were sleeping in the other room. He never wanted to leave any unnecessary noise that could disturb them.

" Who could that be at this time?! " the young Kree Eternal hybrid curiously thought. " Dad and Mom are both sleeping right now. I don't think they would do that. "

" Hello there, Kid! " a deep and sinister male voice greeted him and chuckled. " My, isn't it past your bedtime?! Wanna play hide and seek? "

Amnon moved his head to and fro when he heard a voice inside his head. He became apprehensive as a stranger telepathically called him. He was quickly rushing himself into his room, but the same voice rang his mind.

" Why are you so afraid?! Aren't you supposed to play with me?! Don't be such a scaredy cat, Kid. I'm not gonna hurt you at all! I just wanna play witn you, that's all! "

Amnon felt contemplated to deal with the mysterious man who was still telepathically communicating at him. The young Kree hybrid learned from his parents that he should not talk to strangers. It was an important rule to follow. This time, he had to break it for the sake of his curiosity.

" Okay, kid. You're tagged as it, " the man said. " Leave this room. Go to the elevator and find me at the rooftop. "

Amnon slowly opened the door and stepped out of the room when he headed himself at the third floor's hallway. The hotel guests and staff were wondering and intriguedly murmuring at the little blonde boy in pajamas was walking alone.

" Ignore them, Kid..." the male voice spoke. " They're just being nosy. "

The boy nodded no furiously and ignored the people around him. He was still walking his way into the elevators. Amnon pressed the button, showing an arrow going up. It instantly lit as he waited for the lift to come. Suddenly, the elevator door automatically opened as it was vacant. He instantly entered and pressed the button, leading to the building's topmost floor. It began to ascend when a smooth jazz music was being played. He had no idea where he was going and kept moving his head around. The lift reached at the boy's destination.

Amnon instantly left the elevator and walked around the hotel's rooftop. He moved his head around and kept searching for the man who was talking to him.

" Hello, is anybody here? " he curiously asked. " Hello? "

The place was in utterly silence when a child's voice loudly echoed throughout the place. No one responded. Amnon kept walking and finding for the one who telepathically summoned him. He searched everywhere in minutes and heavily sighed to his disappointment.

" Look, mister! You're wasting my time! " he exclaimed. " I wanna go to sleep! I'd better go back to the hotel room with my parents! "

Amnon walked away and headed himself to the elevator. Without his knowledge, there was a well-built and long haired man dressed in a dark sleeveless jumpsuit. He was crossing his both arms, evilly grinning, and waiting for the blonde child to turn around.

" Oh, my. Why did you ever quit this game, Kid?! " he maniacally laughed.

Amnon slowly turned around and saw the strange man behind him who was laughing. The young Kree Eternal hybrid apprehensively startled and slowly stepped back. He couldn't understand what was going on.

" W-who are y-you?! W-what do you want from me?! "

" I told you, I'm not gonna hurt you, kid, " the man menacingly grinned and shrugged. " This game ain't finished yet, but I decided I want to have a chat with you! "

" My parents told me I can't talk to strangers like you, " Amnon firmly spoke after he took a deep breath to pacify himself.

" Me, a stranger?! Of course, not!! " he loudly laughed. " I knew your mother very well! "

" How did you know her? Tell me..."

" Ah, yes! I met her as Ms. Marvel or Captain Marvel. You were never born at that time. "

" What did you to her? "

" I just played with her. That's it! "

" But you didn't answer my first question. "

" Fine, " the man paused laughing and intently smiled. " My, how rude of me! The name's Psynapse, I'm the one who's responsible for bantering your mother several years ago! "

Amnon nervously gulped and profusedly sweat, seeing the man unleashing his bright pink aura. He was stepping back further and running away from the radiant strange man.

" What's the matter, Kid?! " Psynapse taunted him. " Are you afraid of my superpowers?! Your mommy has one too! "

" Look, mister. I'd better go!! "

Amnon rushed himself into the elevator when Psynapse chased him. The young Kree hybrid immediately closed the door and pressed the button going to the third floor. He was impatiently waiting for the lift to descend. A calm piano music was playing at the intercom.

" Oh, come on! " Amnon anxiously muttered and turned his head on side. " Can anything make faster than this! "

Upon reaching the fifth floor, the elevator door automatically opened. Amnon saw a crowd of people who came after the party. They loudly and incessantly chattered. Some of them were drunk, speaking in slurred speech and boisterously laughing. A tall drunk man with grey hair looked at the boy and grinned.

" Hey, Kid. You're shupposed to be sshleeping at thissh time of night! " the drunken man chuckled. " Where are your parentssh?! "

The young Kree Eternal hybrid cringed at the man and covered his nose which he didn't like the putrid scent of alcohol within him. The grey headed man's companions were laughing at him. His sister was indignantly glaring at her brother.

" Qrow, for crying out loud! Don't scare this kid away," the raven haired woman sternly spoke at her brother. " His parents told him not to speak to strangers. "

" I'm jussht ashking him, " Qrow shrugged.

" Still, he's afraid of you! "

" But Raven..."

As the siblings were arguingly murmured, some of the people in the elevator were eyeing on them. Finally, the elevator reached on the third floor and opened its door. They made a space for the boy to leave the elevator. Amnon sighed in relief and rushed himself into the room. He loudly banged at door, calling his parents' attention.

" MOM, DAD! PLEASE OPEN UP! " he cried.

Suddenly, the hotel room's door got opened. The Kree Eternal in his pink skinned form also cladded in pajamas and stood beside his wife. Amnon sighed in relief, seeing his parents and hugging them.

" Finally! " he happily beamed and smiled.

" Amnon Joseph Danvers-Montmartre, where the heck have you been this evening?! " Carol raised her voice and shook her son's body. " Your father and I woke up and searched everywhere for you! "

" Mom...Dad...I..."

" What is it, son? " Meir or Methu-Selah curiously asked. " Are you going to tell us something? "

Amnon was about to speak up, but he was hindered. Suddenly, Psynapse instantly grabbed the boy away from his parents as he came from nowhere. Amnon was struggling to break free, but the strange man's powers made him put to a deep sleep. His parents were about to fight the abductor, however he immediately vanished. Methu-Selah and Carol both failed in retrieving their son from that sinister Inhuman-mutant hybrid.

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