Chapter 40

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In the long silence of the containment cell, Amnon was tremendously shaking and silently weeping in fear. He found himself alone and being observed by his captors and scientists. Looking at the white ceilings, he realized that he made a tremendous mistake for not following his parents' reminders.  The Kree Eternal hybrid boy had completely understood the consequences which they asked him for not talking to strangers.

This time, he looked at his right arm and noticed a band-aid plaster. Amnon carefully removed it and grimaced in pain, closing his eyes. Suddenly, he intently eyed on his tiny puncture wound as his blue blood quickly helped his smooth pinkish skin to heal and return. Amnon immediately rubbed his eyes using his right hand and got surprised in what he was seeing.

" Sacré bleu! " the blonde boy unbelievingly thought. " How come I have blue blood?! I don't understand if I'm a human or something else?! Why did my parents never tell me?!  Is this because these guys make me an experiment or something?! "

Amnon slowly sat up from his bed and heard a loud thud coming from the outside. He peeked from the winter and overheard the commotion and murmurs from the HYDRA Agents.

" Dammit, you numbskulls! Can you even see what's happening there?! " a loud and angry male voice yelled. " Why did you check the surveillance cameras?! "

" Well, I'm about to fall asleep from monitoring this kid, here, " the high-pitched male voice replied and yawned.

" Which is more important, dealing with the ex Captain Marvel's kid or defending our base?! "

" Uhhh.... dealing.... I mean defending our base from them?! "

" Just do it before they arrive! "

" Got it!! "

Suddenly, they all heard of a loud explosion coming from a distance. The HYDRA scientists were fleeing away from the infiltrators. The agents kept shooting and firing at them, but they were unaffected and being sent flying from a radiant bluish-white and golden yellow photon blast. Still remaining inside the containment cell, Amnon widened his eyes in fear, covered his ears, and closed his eyes. He never wanted to witness or hear such undesirable events like he saw from the Smithsonian Museum. The Kree Eternal hybrid boy sulked himself like a fetus. Just then, he heard a loud explosion and instantly placed himself down on the floor, pretending to be dead.

Still closing his eyes, he heard voices yelling and echoing in the midst of this chaos. Amnon also heard a familiar male and female voice from a distance. Finally, it was his parents who came to rescue him from his captors.

" Carol, there he is! " his father called out his mother and instantly carried the boy who played dead.

" Amnon! " Carol immediately responded and observed her son's chest and abdomen which it was still inhaling and exhaling. Then, she felt his pulse and wept for joy. " He's still alive, Methie! I knew he's still safe! "

Methu-Selah sighed in relief and sincerely smiled when he kissed his son's forehead and then his wife's cheeks. He calmly replied, " I knew we can find him safe.  Don't you ever give up to do that, my Starling. "

The Kree Eternal hybrid boy slowly opened his eyes, seeing his parents in a blurry vision. Then, it was clear to see them. Amnon weakingly smiled and thought of calling their attention.

" Dad...Mom..." he lowly broke his silence.

" Son, we're here, " the Kree Eternal replied. " We're going home very soon. Just hang in there. "

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