Chapter 10

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A brunette haired woman in her late twenties wore some casual clothes as she sat in-front of the computer screen. She clicked the document icon showing the red notices of most wanted criminals. Her male American supervising officer, a man in his late thirties, entered the office.

" Have you read the Red Notices, Lesproux? " he asked.

" Yes, I am seeing it, monsieur Jameson, " she nodded.

Karena Lesproux showed her American superior which they saw several list of most wanted criminals. Justin Jameson crossed his arms and carefully studied the names within the file. Then, he noticed something in the list.

" Click, Montmartre, Carol Susan Jane D., " Jameson ordered.

She followed the instruction and opened the file. It showed a profile of Captain Marvel which Karena never expected to see a superheroine happened to be part of the Red Notice.

" I don't understand?! Why Captain Marvel is one of our Most Wanted? " the French brunette lady asked.

" Team Rainbow from Russia had witnessed the incident report back in St. Petersburg. She's already deemed as a terrorist. "

" Terrorist? I don't know what's going on?! Why? "

" If you have seen the video, Lesproux, " Jameson answered. " You are gonna have some second thoughts whether if you're believing her or not. "

" But do you think she's being framed up or something? " Karena raised her right hand in interjection.

" No..." he sternly spoke and controlled the mouse showing and pointing the images of Carol causing the building explosion. " Aside from Team Rainbow, SHIELD has already documented the entire incident. "

" So, what are we going to do with her now? "

" We have the right to arrest her, Lesproux. "

Karena was surprised to see the images and hear him with his stern statement. She had no choice, but to submit to the higher-ups which this was the only best solution to do.


Carol and her husband arrived from the Avengers tower as their landing site after their space-bound honeymoon. This time, they had returned to their apartment and left their things near the bedroom. The married couple sat on the couch and took their glass of lemonade to drink.

" So, everything's back to normal, " the blonde half-Kree woman said and leaned on her spouse's chest while drinking.

" I have classes tomorrow at the University, " Professor Montmartre or Methu-Selah replied. " I'm expecting more students to teach. How about you? "

" Back in Action, I guess, " Carol smiled. " You know gotta save the world before our baby comes out. "

" Wait...." the Kree Eternal paused and intently looked at his wife. " I sensed that too. That means... you're...." 

" Yes! You're gonna be a proud papa, very soon! " she happily beamed and hugged him.

Methu-Selah's prediction came true as he smiled from ear to ear. He hugged back his wife. Even she's two weeks pregnant, he was very delighted to have a child for the first time in his entire 1,900 years of his life: a son who would go after his parents.

" We need to confirm that once we get to the doctor, " he said.

" You mean a check-up? Right now? "

" Yes, I'll do my best to take care of you and our baby. "

'' I understood how excited you are! "

He gently touched Carol's abdomen with his right hand as she touched her husband's face. Looking at each other, they were about to touch their lips, however they heard a loud knocking at the door. The spouses instantly stood up as the pink Kree husband opened it.

To their surprise, a group of armed men pointed their weapons at them. Carol and Methu-Selah wanted to retaliate, but one of the men confronted them. They both raised their hands when they felt being raided. The man named Justin Jameson glared at the blonde half-Kree woman. The Kree Eternal lowered his arms and firmly stood beside his wife.

" This is International Police. Mrs. Carol Danvers-Montmartre, you are under arrest due to the acts of terrorism, " he sternly replied.

" Sirs, why are you arresting my wife? " Methu-Selah asked and confronted the officials. " She's two weeks pregnant! I'm taking her to the doctor. You can't do this to her! "

" I'm sorry, Mr. Montmartre, " Jameson answered with no remorse. " She had committed an act of massive destruction or terrorism. We, the Interpol, cannot tolerate any crime. If you were there, you could probably get a divorce and abandon her. "

The Kree Eternal clenched his fists in anger and controlled himself not to unleash his bright photon blasts to the armed authorities. On the other hand, Carol remained speechless and dazed as the incident went reoccurring into her mind. She had known that Oblivion manipulated her to do such heinous crime, however the men from the Interpol handcuffed her. Carol looked at her husband in tears as he thought of taking her away from them.

" Meir... I'm so sorry...." she answered and wept.

" Carol...." her husband followed her as the men took her away into the van.

The Kree Eternal thought of transforming and flying to rescue her, but it was too late. He watched the vehicles moving away from a distance. Methu-Selah returned to the direction going home and sat on the sidewalk. He felt very hopeless to do something which he saw his wife being taken away just like he had predicted from his dream few nights ago. Suddenly, a familiar being sat beside him. It was a dark hooded man who the Kree Eternal recognized.

" Methu, are you okay? " he asked.

" I don't know if I could help her right now, " the bespectacled pink Kree sadly sighed. " I failed in saving my wife. Miles, what should I do now? "

" Well, is there someone whom you know that could defend her? " Miles Slader or Shadow Reaper asked. " Maybe, I could help you go there and talk of what's going on. "

" Right, " he nodded. " Can you take me to Jennifer Walters? I need her to defend my wife's case. "

" Sure, not a problem. I'll do my best. "

" Thank you, Miles. "

" Don't worry, Methu, " the hooded being smiled and patted his friend's back. " You and Carol can pull through. I know you can surpass this. "


Carol Danvers-Montmartre got her first police mugshot picture while holding her signage. Then, she had her first finger printing and iris scan which they were required for criminal background profiling. She was being sent into the prison area for the first time and wearing an orange suit instead of her bright navy blue jumpsuit with yellow gold and red trimmings.

The female convicts laughed and taunted at her when they saw Captain Marvel as a new prisoner. The policemen and the warden took her inside the cell as she lied down and hopelessly looked at the dark ceiling.

Next to her prison cell, a handsome blonde man in a suit was talking and bailing another ruthless criminal. He cordially thanked the warden for doing it and smiled.

" Merci beaucoup, monsieur Itna, " the middle-aged French warden said and shook hands to the man. " You have given us so much money for the bail. "

" You're welcome, " Tsirhc Itna politely smiled and put his hands in his pockets. " I still have billions of Dollars or Euros to help them get freed. "

" Of course, you can afford to bail anyone. "

" However..." he turned to the blonde half-Kree prisoner and then to the French warden. " How come Captain Marvel is in your turf? "

" She has already committed a horrendous crime two weeks ago in St. Petersburg. I'm afraid she might get a life sentence if she never gets a lawyer to defend her. "

Tsirhc Itna evilly grinned as he got interested to hear of the case which Carol Danvers-Montmartre or Captain Marvel got involved. He wanted to speak to her, but he thought of other important things. Still, he could set aside it in some other time.

" I think I want to hear more, once I get here again, " Itna answered.

" Of course, monsieur. "

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