².⁶duelling club

Start from the beginning

"Arrogant git." Athena muttered. "I don't get you 'Mione, you see this man right? How are you in love with him?"

"Oh shut up Fi. Just listen." Hermione waved her hand in her face, telling her to shut up. Athena rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to the man.

"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape. He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration." Lockhart grinned. "Now I don't want any of you youngsters to worry. You'll still have your Potions Master when I'm through with him. Never fear!"

"I may not be a big fan of Snape, but he's definitely going to kick Lockhart's arse." Athena whispered to Ron.

"You wanna bet?" Ron looked at her, a cocky look on his face. Athena grinned at him and nodded.

"Alright," She leaned her head in closer to his ear so only he could hear her. "If I win, you have to help me pull a prank on M."

Ron listened to what she said, eyes widening. "What! but she's gonna kill me!"

Athena continued, "If you win, I'll give you 5 chocolate frogs. I have some in my trunk."

Ron narrowed his eyes at first but agreed. "Deal."

The two turned their heads back to the stage. "-Neither of us will be aiming to kill, of course." Lockhart finished. Athena watched the two eagerly, whispering 'go Snape' numerous times under her breath. "One-two-three -"

"Expelliarmus!" Snape yelled out. Scarlet lights had burst out the tip of his wand, going forth and knocking Lockhart into the wall.

"Yeah!" Athena cheered, as eyes looked towards her direction. "What?"

"Oh Merlin..." Ron sighed.

"Now you have to help me." Athena taunted the boy, a big grin on her face. Ron narrowed his eyes at her, turning his attention back to Lockhart as the professor got up.

"Well, there you have it. That was a Disarming Charm. As you see, I've lost my wand." Hermione reaches in front of her, her hand reaching Lockhart's wand and giving it to him. "Ah, thank you, Miss Granger. Yes, an excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape, but if you don't mind my saying so, it was very obvious what you were about to do. If I had wanted to stop you it would have been only too easy..."

"Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells, Professor." Snape added.

"An excellent suggestion, Professor Snape. Let's have a volunteer pair. Anybody?" As the last word escaped Lockhart's mouth, Athena shot her hand up, desperately wanting to have a go at knocking someone off their feet.

Out of excitement, Athena's hand darted up. It wasn't that she was cocky or anything, she just wanted to excuse to use her wand in duelling someone. She had multiple years duelling people with the muggle way, now she has to get better with the wizard way.

"Excellent! Miss Black and erm-" Lockhart looked around the few hands that were up. "How about Mister Hopkins?"

Wayne Hopkins, another student in their year, had walked on the stage obligedly, the other end of Athena. "Oh hey Wayne." The young Black grinned playfully.

"Hey Athena." The Hufflepuff smiled back. Due to Athena's friendly personality, she had already met a lot of people in the school, all from different year levels.

"Wands at the ready!" Lockhart called out, "When I count to three, cast your charms to disarm your opponent - only to disarm. We don't want any accidents."

Athena had walked a few steps back and turned back around, her wand ready. Hopkins mirrored her actions as he also walked a few steps backs, his wand now facing her. "One, two-"

"Waddiwasi!" The boy yelled, the spell shooting at Athena, completely ignoring 'three'. Athena ducked, the spell missed her.

 "What happened to 'three', Wayne?" She asked, laughing in the process as her wand aimed at the Hufflepuff boy. "Flipendo!"

Wayne dodged the spell, sending a couple of his own towards her - in which she managed to dodge. She thought of a few harmless spells quickly, until a jinx came to mind. She missed the spell Wayne shot at her, her wand pointing back at him and she yelled two spells. "Expelliarmus-! Ebublio!"

Wayne's wand shot out of his hand and he was immediately in a bubble. She caught his wand, and smiled at him. "Excellent use of spells you two!" Lockhart exclaimed as people around them clapped and cheered. "Though I might add, you have already gotten the wand Ms Black, why was it necessary to cast the Ebublio Jinx?"

And only once you would see her to do this to Lockhart, but she grinned at him, the following words expected by both Hermione and Harry. "Why not? Bubbles are cool. Also it's to make sure that the enemy wouldn't run away."

Some students laughed at her first two responses. Athena Black may be a troublemaker but that didn't mean she wasn't talented nor smart. Athena had removed the bubble and Wayne was free. The two shook hands, Athena giving him a playful wink and they both got off the stage.

"Remind me not to ever mess with you." Ron shuddered. Both Harry and Hermione had given her a hug, along with a couple encouraging statements.

"Just remember to help me and I'll make sure you don't end up in a bubble, or have a pumpkin head." Athena winked at him, grinning.

"Alright, let's do another pair! How about, Weasley and Potter." Lockhart called out.

"Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest spells. We'll be sending Potter to the Hospital Wing in a matchbox. Might I suggest someone from my own house. Malfoy, perhaps." Snape suggested. Lockhart nodded, the two duelers leaving to walk up the stage.

"Kick my cousin's arse Har." Athena patted Harries back as he walked away, encouraging him.

"Now, same rules you two. Only cast charms to disarm and only to disarm."

"Scared, Potter?" Draco smirked cockily.

"You wish." Harry glared back.


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