Chapter 2

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Hey guys ! This is the second chapter so I'll probably upload twice today...maybe it depends...

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Chapter 2 - Escape

I quickly regained my balance and grabbed my nose from where I had it hit it from the impact. My fear slowly catching up to me. I shivered as I thought of everything that could have happened. What if I had never made it out? What would the guard have done? Millions of questions were racing through my mind as my heart beat faster every second at the very thought.

I had no time to think when I heard footsteps coming my way. I could feel tears pricking my eyes but I refused to let them fall. I would not cry, only the weak cried. And I was not weak; I had been through hell I would not cry because of this.

I pressed myself in the corner and hid myself in the shadows. I held my breath as the footsteps came closer. Three, two, one.....

"Is anyone there?" A voice asked, I recognized it as the guard's. Even in the dim light I could make out his features. He had dark brown hair which was cut short and he wore a navy blue jacket and black pants. I could see his hand on his gun as his almost black eyes tried to search for me.

I kept quiet as a mouse and once he had left I let out my breath and tried to steady my breathing. I put my hand on the wall behind me as I felt the wall open behind me.

I turned towards the wall where there was now an opening and it looked like it was a tunnel that led to somewhere. I guess somewhere is better than here, so without a second of hesitation I crawled into the tunnel.

It was pretty dirty down here as I crawled, but I was already so dirty I guess it couldn't make much of a difference. I felt my knees bleeding from the scraps of the gravel underneath me, even my hands were torn up. I was about to turn back when I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. How cliché is that?

As I picked up my speed I felt a little shimmer of hope for the first time in the eight months that I had been held captive. The other four were spent praying that my family would find me and Jesse would come to the rescue. Of course nothing like that is possible in real life, I know that now.

I was getting closer to the end of the tunnel when I heard gunshots in the tunnel, I froze. Had they found me? Once I realized I wasn't moving I made my way to the end of the tunnel, and there I froze again, but in both shock and awe.

It was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. There was a sunset in the distance and I could see the pink and purple clouds around the sun. I felt a warm breeze pass through my hair as I looked out towards the endless forest that stretched as far as the eye could see. How did I know it stretched on forever? Well, the tunnel was located on one of the higher stories of the building and it ended at the very end of a ledge. I looked down and saw a lake surrounding the building. I heard another gunshot and that awakened me from my trance.

I hesitated before debating to jump into the water or to stay here and turn back. I chose the lake, so with one more glance at the beautiful scenery I jumped into the cold black water that consumed me.

I emerged from the water shivering; I looked up at the building where I was held captive for over a year. It was an old castle and it was black and had green moss growing on the sides of the walls. It loomed over the forest and looked at me tauntingly. I tore my gaze away from the hideous sight and swam towards the shore.

I looked at myself and found most of the dirt was now gone from my hair and clothes. I inspected my skin and saw scratches and scars all over myself some of the newer ones turning into a red color. I put my hand through my wet hair and felt the shortness of it; it would take forever to grow it back.

Now that I was free my thoughts came back to me. What was I going to do now? Where do I go? Where do I sleep? What if there are animals on the forest? I hastily put those thoughts away in the back of my mind and went on to pursue one at a time.

I looked around at my surroundings and without another glance at the castle I made my way towards the forest.


"So did you get yelled at by your parents yesterday?" Jesse asked me while I was eating my lunch. This consisted of fries, a burger, a soda and an apple. Yes I am also healthy.

"Nope." I said popping the p.

"Oh really?"

"Yup, my parents said they were being too harsh on me and let me off the hook, well that and because my mom totally gave in when she saw the shirt I had bought her."

Jesse laughed. "Wow, I love your mom. If I did that she would tell me to go return it and then give me additional grounding."

"See that's the difference between my parents and yours, mine are easily persuaded while yours try to kill you 24/7."

I went back to eating my lunch while my two best friends Victoria and Chelsea came and sat beside us, while Victoria's boyfriend Ryan sat beside Jesse. They both did that weird man handshake and slapped each other on the back before getting into an intense discussion about football. Boys.

"So...the weather outside is something huh?" My friend Victoria said.

I rolled my eyes. "Vicky what do you want?" I asked. When she said weird things like that it always meant she wanted something. I looked up at her and saw her smiling deviously. She was a blonde and had typical blue eyes, she had the curves every guy only dreamed of and had the most beautiful singing voice anyone has ever heard. Today she wore a denim mini skirt with a tight black t-shirt from Abercrombie and Fitch. She wore black and white polka dotted flats and had her hair curled so it fell longer than her shoulders.

"Well, if you don't mind......wouldyougoonadoubledatewithme?" She said the last part so fast I could barely keep up.

"What? You make no sense." She looked at me before hesitatingly asking me again.

"Would you like to go on a double date with me?" She said pleadingly. I looked into her eyes as she gave me a puppy face. I glanced over at Chelsea who didn't even seem interested in the conversation and was chatting away with some random guy.

"Sure why not." I replied giving in. I knew she was going to make me go whether I liked it or not so might as well accept right now. "When is it?"

She looked like she was going to burst of happiness. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She said eagerly bouncing in her seat. "I will totally make it up to you and its this Friday at 7:00 and I have the whole thing planned out." She started rambling on about what she was going to wear and how she was going to do her hair while I just nodded until something caught my eye.

Just outside the cafeteria window there was a man looking directly at me. I squinted as the sun was in my eyes, but as I looked closer it was the same man that was at the mall. Okay, now I was totally freaked out. First the mall now here? At school? Who was he?

I turned to tell Jesse but just as I looked back he was gone. I debated whether or not to tell Jesse, but something in the back of my mind told me to keep my mouth shut. So I didn't say a word as I continued to finish my lunch and chat until the bell rang.


So watcha guys think about it? I didn't proof-read so sorry for any mistakes!

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