Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 – You’re Back?

I looked at my clock for the time, there was only half an hour left before Derek came.

What did he mean when he was picking me up at seven? Was it a…

Just in case I was wrong I wore something casual but nice. I found a purple ruffled top and some black skinny jeans and straightened my hair.

The hair that had been all jagged Lisa had cut, after Derek had told her to leave she came back and cut my hair into layers, it was perfect.

I hadn’t told Lisa what Derek had said, since it looked like she had some mysterious crush on him since she kept on talking about him.

I checked the mirror for my appearance, and applied some eyeliner and mascara, I wasn’t the one to put make-up on, but this outfit needed it.

I heard a light knock at the door and went to open it. There was still fifteen minutes left to seven. Was he early?

I opened the door to reveal….Jesse?

“Hello Avira. How are you?” Jesse said.

I looked at him carefully, was he trying to play a trick on me? “I’m good..?” I replied, more a question than an answer.

“Perfect. Would you accompany me to the gardens?” The gardens? I looked at the clock and saw that there was only 13 minutes left till seven. I would never make it in time. I looked back at Jesse whose face was set in a soft glow of hope. I felt my heart break at the sight.

“I umm..well sure.” I said.

“Wonderful, it’s this way.” He started walking down the hallway while I trudged behind him.

We descended a step of stairs and then found the door to the gardens.

Once the door opened I inhaled the deep rich scent of the flowers and fresh air.

It felt so good to be outside. The wind blew my hair around and I shivered. The shirt that I was wearing was sleeveless.

I saw Jesse notice me shivering and rolled his eyes, walking into the frigid air.

The old Jesse would have given me his jacket.

I couldn’t think about him right now, I scolded myself. I walked behind him trying to warm myself up, but it wasn’t working.

“You know,” I said. “You could have told me it was cold outside.” I said sternly, but with my teeth chattering it ruined the effect.

“I thought you would know.” He replied.

“How the hell was I supposed to know I’d be going out with you tonight?!” I said exasperated.

“Didn’t Derek tell you?” Derek? He only told me he would pick me up at seven. Oh, know I got it. He had tricked me into getting ready to go out with Jesse.

I sighed, and shook my head. Thankfully Jesse didn’t see me talking to myself or he would think I was crazy or something. Which was probably half true.

“Here it is.” Jesse said as he stopped to look up.

I followed his gaze and gasped. There in the middle of the garden was a canopy with small table underneath it. It had food spread on to it, with a candle in the middle.

What? Why had he done this?

“Here take a seat.” He said while taking out a chair for me.

I sat down and felt heat sweep over me. I saw that from the side there was a heater beside my feet. I relaxed into my chair now that I was warm.

“So why did you bring me out here?” I asked.

“For dinner.” He said while he poured me some champagne.

If I didn’t hate him so much, I would think of this as the perfect date .I thought to myself.

I closed my eyes; here I went on again, thinking about Jesse.

“Is everything alright?” I opened my eyes to see a concerned Jesse staring down at me.

“Yeah, I’m perfect.” But inside I was dying.

Now that I thought about it, did I still feel anything for Jesse? Or was it just me wanting him to feel something for me?

Did I like Derek? No, it couldn’t be.

Did I?

And then the image at the airport filled my mind. Blake.

Wow, I had a lot of guys in my life.

Blake. Blake. Blake.

I couldn’t get my mind off of him, his green eyes, the black hair. His perfect body against mine. The electricity and excitement that shot through me whenever he was near. The kiss.

I blushed at the thought, it wasn’t a proper kiss, but just kissing him on the cheek had made me feel so…warm inside.

I wonder what it would feel like to kiss him on his lips.

“You made it.” My head shot up at Jesse’s voice. I looked at the man standing next to him.

When I reached his face, my eyes widened in surprise.

“Blake?” I asked in astonishment.

“Oh, Avira. How are you?” He asked. Why did he seem so calm?


“Let me take over from here,” Jesse intervened, “Avira this is my friend Blake, and he will be joining us for dinner tonight.”

I looked at Blake in horror. Friend? Did he know all along? Did he trick me? That would explain how he found me on the road, took me to a hotel, had all the right fitting clothes, and never once took me to a police station…

I was so stupid, so stupid for believing him, so stupid for telling him everything, so stupid for falling for him….

I blinked back the tears and got up from my chair.

“I..have to go.” I said as I ran into the night.

Jesse was shouting at me to come back, while I heard not even a single word from Blake.

I turned back to look at the scene one last time and it broke my heart to see Blake sitting there, amusement spread across his face.

No concern. No pain. No love. No honesty.

Just amusement.


What will happen next, only time will tell….

I’ve always wanted to say that <33

See you in a few daysss


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