Chapter 12

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Chapter 12- Terrifying Freedom

I kept running and running until I got to the front gates of the house.

It looked so easy, just to open them and leave everything behind. I looked back and saw only pitch black.

Why wasn’t anyone chasing me?

I guess that was a good thing, but what was I waiting for? For Blake or Jesse to come running after me and take me back, apologizing for everything?

Why couldn’t everything in my life be back to normal? I didn’t know how many times I had wished that, but every time it still wasn’t enough to change it back…

The dark gates gleamed in the moonlight, the cold metal looming over me.

I took a step forward and saw the guard on the side of the gate, staring at me.

Well, that was creepy….was he just staring at me the whole time I was here?

I cautiously took another step and the guard put his arm in front of me from walking forward.

“Ma’am, the master has given me strict orders to not let you out of the mansion.” Oh, has he now? Let’s put these orders to the test, shall we?

“Well, the master, Jesse, said that I could leave to go to a party.” I said, calmly.

“He hasn’t informed me of that so I can’t let you pass ma’am.” An idea formed in my mind.

I took my knee and brought it up to where the sun didn’t shine, and he went down onto the ground, cursing at me in a language similar to French.

I resisted staying and enjoying the pain I had caused, but thought less of it and unlocked the gates.

This was easy, too easy…

I shook my head and headed onto the road that led into thick forest.

More forest, I thought as I proceeded on the road.

I started a jog along the road, if I saw any headlights I would run into the forest. I stayed close to the sideline of the forest, my only light, the moon.

Once my feet started hurting from jogging non-stop for what seemed like an hour, I sat down on the road.

I know it was stupid of me and not to mention dangerous, but right now I was too tired to care.

I took a closer look at the forest and the dark trees and the hidden shadows scared me.

Maybe I shouldn’t have left…

I heard a low growl from the forest and got up in a flash.

What was that?

I heard the growl followed by a howl in the distance, this time the growl was closer…

Now I was getting beyond scared, what if it was a wolf or worse a blood-hungry bear?

I knew that bears didn’t really eat humans, but still they would attack them if they got upset.

But the howl sounded like a wolf, oh shit. A wolf? I’m going to die…

What if it was a werewolf? But werewolves are like half-human so they wouldn’t hurt me.

What was i thinking? Werewolves? Seriously? I was watching way too many werewolf movies…

Now that you mention it, Taylor Lautner is a pretty hot werewolf…my thoughts were interrupted by a loud growl came from the forest not too far from me.

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