Chapter 3

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So, I haven't had a lot of views but hopefully I will as time goes by J. So for all of you that read thankssss <3


Chapter 3 - Freedom

It had been over three hours since I had escaped the torturous building and I was probably lost since I had no clue where I was. I started to shiver since I barely had any clothes on and saw the sky getting darker.

I observed the area around me and the feeling of loneliness and hunger started to set in. Wherever I looked there were trees, trees and more trees. I don't think I would ever get out of the forest. The thought made me shudder as I continued to walk aimlessly towards nowhere.

I stepped over roots and dead trees and saw some horrifying tracks of bears and such which I avoided cautiously. My heart was beating a hundred beats/ second as I thought of the awful things that could happen to me. I heard someone speak behind me and my heart stopped as I slowly tuned around. What if they had caught me?

There on a boulder sat a man, he was pretty old and had grey facial hair and was bald. He was wearing a black shirt and black slacks that were somewhat torn. He looked at me confused and shocked. His brown eyes filled with pity. Well I probably did look like someone that had gotten raped or thrown into the middle of nowhere.

"Who are you?" The man asked. His voice was husky and dry like he hadn't spoken for a while.

"I..I am Avira. I was kidnapped...." I managed to choke out. My throat felt eerily dry as I said those words.

He looked at me as if he were checking me out, which would be creepy for a 90-year-old dude. And then spoke again except more quietly and softer. "You must be one of the captives held at the old castle by the Rave Lake, oh you should really get out of here they probably have sent search parties everywhere looking for you. They know this forest like the back of their hand." He told me shaking his head in anger.

" what? But where do I go? And who are you?" I questioned. No way I was taking advice from this creepy guy, like who lives in this forest?

"I am Adam. And I live in these parts and trust me dear child when I say you must leave. I know many who have escaped, but not many who have survived." He replied talking more to himself than to me.

"Okay, let's say I trust you, but where am I? And where do I go? And why do you live here exactly?" My suspicions rising more and more every time he talked.

"Do not fear young lady, you are safe for now, but not for long. There is a pathway only a few minutes away from you. If you keep on heading towards the direction you are walking you will find it. It will take you to a highway and you will be able to get help from there. Please go now, they are coming. I can feel it." He whispered now. He pointed towards the pathway and told me to hurry before it was too late.

I was still considering believing him or not when I heard dogs barking in the distance. I stared at him wide-eyed and he told me to run. So I ran. I could feel my speed picking up as I jumped and ducked under and over trees and roots. I could feel slivers in my feet, but there was no time to cry over them. I ran until I found the pathway, it was small but it looked like it was still used. So I followed it until I heard the engines of cars and saw headlights shining on the road.

It was a busy highway and I was thankful for that, it would keep away the guards. The sky was dark now and the stars were twinkling outside as I set my gaze upon the moon. It was a full moon, and it looked absolutely beautiful. I stared in awe, but was quickly rushed back into reality when a car honked at me and stopped a few meters ahead of me.

The driver of the car came out and looked at me. I could feel a blush forming on my face as I saw that the driver was a boy no older than I am and was totally gorgeous. He walked towards me; even in the moonlight he looked very sexy. He was wearing dark jeans and a white V-neck shirt that hugged his body. I could see his muscles coming out and I was standing there drooling. But what was even more beautiful were his eyes. They were green and he had dark brown hair. It was a rare combination but beautiful all the same.

His eyed travelled to my body and I felt my blush get deeper, as I tried to cover myself with my hands protectively.

"Hey, I'm not going to bite." His voice had an English accent to it and was very seductive. Did I really just think that? I'm in the middle of god knows where and all I can think of his how sexy his voice is? "Do you need a lift home? Or perhaps the police station?" He chuckled. WTF? Why is he laughing?

"I..I...I just freaking escaped from my kidnapper, almost got raped, and look like freaking whore. AND ALL YOU CAN DO IS FUCKING LAUGH?" The anger was building inside me. I don't know why, but he just made me feel so desperate. Who did he think he was? He knew nothing about me. I almost died. And why is he laughing? I am freaking half naked and my hair is a mess and all he can do is laugh. Some help this is.

"I'm sorry, that was impolite of me. But did you just say you were kidnaped?"

"Oh, umm...yes I was." I whispered.

"I'm sorry I was just...I don't know what came over me. I came here to help, honestly." His eyes were fixed on mine as he was trying to search for answers.

"Well, that would be most appreciated if you did help me. And..." I carried on. I just met the guy can I trust him? My heart said yes and that was all I needed.

------ << >> ------- Two hours later.....

I fell onto the hotel bed exhausted from the long drive. Apparently, we were in London, England and I had freaked out when he had told me that. Once we got to the hotel he had put his coat over top of me to cover me, but that didn't stop the receptionist from giving me a dirty glare. I could care less.

I had a long and relaxing bath and blow-dried my hair. From the looks of it, the guard hadn't quite ruined my hair so if I got a haircut it should be normal again. I was dressed in a bath robe and was waiting for Blake to get back with a change of clothes. Yes, the boy who saved me was named Blake Jackman. He had promised me when he came back that we would call my family.

I looked around the room, it was quite simple. There were two beds and a full-length mirror hanging on the wall in front of one of them. There was a plasma T.V. on the wall and a table with two chairs.

I strode up to the windows of the hotel room and opened the curtains. There was a balcony outside so I decided to go out. I felt a warm breeze pass by as my hair flew everywhere. It was a good feeling. I gazed at the scene before me. It was dark right now, so all the buildings had their lights turned on. It was a beautiful night I thought as my eyes landed once again on the full moon.

"Hey I'm back." I heard Blake call from behind. I stepped back into the room no longer feeling tired. I saw him carrying a few shopping bags and one from Victoria Secret's which probably had lingerie in it. I immediately blushed.

"Oh, umm..hi." I said pathetically as my cheeks burned red. "Thanks for the umm...clothes...I...rea...lly appreciate it." I choked out.

"No problem, you should probably change now."

I went to take the bags from him when I felt him grip my arm. It felt like a hundred shocks going through my body. Something just felt so right in his touch.

"I find some food also and umm... I also want to let you know...that umm...if you want to ever talk about anything, I'll be here to listen." His face showed that it was hard for him to say, but I really admired the courage.

"Thanks I'll keep that in mind." I said as I took the bags from him and he let go of my arm. I found a frown on my face at the thought of leaving his warmth, but I quickly shook off the feeling and proceeded towards the bathroom.


So not much of an interesting chappy but you found out who the guy was. So is he good or bad? Or both? The next chapter is going to be very interesting as she soon contacts her family.....or does she? I don't know you'll just gonna have to keep on reading!


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