Chapter 5 - Part 1 (Jesse's Picture)

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So, everyone. I dedicate this chapter to my very first commenter! I know I'm really nice and giving! ; )

Thanks for the support and I love you <3     à katybug

 Hope you enjoy! This chapter is going to be cut into two parts so you'll just have to wait.

and i got Jesse's pic on the sidee ------>>>


Chapter 5 Part 1 - Coincidence?


"So what are you going to wear to Jesse's party?" I could hear my friend Victoria talking to me in the distance. I was too interested in how that mysterious man showed up everywhere, and was always staring at me. Was he some creepy stalker? He better not be, but by the looks of it he just might...and what's up with the weird outfit? Why doesn't he come and approach me? Why do I get the feeling there's more to him other than the "I'm being stalked" feeling I'm getting? Should I tell Jesse? Should I tell my parents? Millions of questions raced through my head, but I didn't have an answer to even one of them.

"HELLO! Earth to Avira! I'm talking to you." I heard Victoria yell, getting irritated.

"Yeah, life is horrible." I replied even though I had no lcue what I was talking about.

"Uh..yeah. Are you alright? Ever since lunch you seem a little...I don't know different." She raised an eyebrow in concern. She didn't even know half of it I thought to myself. I wanted to tell her, but then she would tell everyone including Jesse and they wouldn't let me out of their sight. And that was not what I wanted. I liked my freedom.

"Sorry. I was just thinking about how I never got Jesse a present yet, and I don't even know what to get him." The lie came easily, but it was half true. I didn't have a present for Jesse yet, and even though we have been together for 8 months I still don't know what he likes.

From the corner of my eye I saw Victoria's eyes light up in excitement. This couldn't be good.

"Well, since I know you don't have a single dress in your wardrobe to wear to Jesse's party and also since you don't have a present for him either.....SHOPPING TIME!" She bounced up and down in her seat while our Math teacher Mrs. Wexler threw us dirty looks from the other side of the room.

She instantly hushed and started whispering. "Okay, after school meet me by my car and we'll go to the mall." I was about to protest but the bell rang cutting me off. I guess I'm stuck with her after school.

I collected my things and stuffed it into my bag. I made my way into the hall and was suddenly pulled into a dark room by a pair of masculine arms. I opened my mouth to scream, but before I could a hand clamped over my mouth.

"Shhh...don't scream." I could recognize that voice anywhere. I wriggled free from my captive and turned around to glare at Jesse. Even in the dark you could see the outline of his jaw and his joyful eyes.

He put his arm around my waist pulling me closer as I struggled free. Once I was out of his grip I put my hands on my hip and gave him the dirtiest look I could pull. Though I'm pretty sure he probably couldn't see it in the dark.

"Why did you bring me here?! I'm going to be late for..." I trailed off knowing that I had a spare block and he did too. Why was life so cruel?

"Going to be late for what?" Even though I couldn't see it I could tell he was smirking. If I punched him in the face it would wipe that smirk clear off his face. I was processing that thought when he came closer and put his lips on mine. At that moment nothing else mattered.

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