Chapter 14

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So, how’s everyone been lately?

Lol, I am just beyond bored so don’t mind me =)

You should just read the story instead.

Sorry, for any mistakes.

I didn’t porof-read!


Chapter 14- Family Reunion


It had been three agonizing days since I had been locked in this filthy cell. The walls were covered in dirt and grime, and the guard outside my door smelt like filth.

All I remember was being knocked out and waking up in this cell with my hair disheveled and a bruise on my head where I was hit.

The days went dragging on, half of the time I kept sobbing helplessly for someone to help me, and hoping for someone to find me.

But it never helped.

No one was going to listen.

And no one would be able to hear.

I was completely alone for once, and it was absolutely terrifying.

There was no one to comfort me, no friends, no family, no Jesse.

I closed my eyes at the thought of his deep blue eyes; even though he had cheated on me I still loved him with every inch of my body. I couldn’t stop loving him, he meant everything to me. But now he was gone.

Crouching in a cold corner of the cell, I put a small blanket over top of me that smelt like death. It was revolting, but it was the only warmth.

My hoodie and pants were replaced by shorts and a white t-shirt. I didn’t know why they would be so stupid as to give me a white shirt when it was going to get dirty anyways, but those thoughts were incoherent.

---------***---------- Five months later… ---------***-----------

A single tear rolled down my cheeks, and the darkness of the room, only illuminated by the small light coming from the hallway, invaded my mind.

My memories, my passion, my dreams were all shattered right in front of me, laying on the ground before me, and I didn’t have the hope and courage to pick them up and make them whole again.

I was empty inside…there was nothing left of me now.


The sorrow was coming back, and it was coming in a full effort now. The pain that I had somewhat hidden after my escape was coming out again, and it felt awful.

I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my chest and had been served on a platter for people to pick at.

The hurt was unbearable, I clutched my shirt, the pain inside my chest rising as I kept remembering the awful lonely nights.

Pain seared through my body, the fear of being alone again rippled through my body like a tidal wave.

The intensity that I was feeling now, was nothing compared to the pain I had faced for a full year, but somehow it had taken its toll on me and it was being unleashed on me all at once.

The sensation of someone shaking me roughly registered through my brain and I came back to my senses. My eyes peeling open, letting the bright light enter and blinding me.

My body felt stiff and my throat was yearning for water.

I felt warm hands embrace me and I felt whole again. Slowly, my eyes adjusted to the lights and I inhaled a deep rich scent of leather and axe, it was Blake.

Shattered Inside (On Hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon