Chapter 5 Part 3

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Soory it took me awhile to upload....i've been really busy with high school , its sooo stressing!! Aghh,

I hope you enjoyyy =) . and alsooo tell your friendssss about this story if u think its good or not.

And PLEASEEEE COMMENT and VOTE !!! for meeee.......(puppy-dog face) .

Thnxxx, I love you all <3


Chapter 5 Part 3 - Coincidence?

Soon enough I was on my way to the mall in Victoria's red convertible. I had pulled on some black skinnies, a red and white V-neck top and some red converse shoes to top it all off. It was a break from my preppy clothes and I was glad, except Victoria didn't have the same idea as me.

"What are you wearing?" She said scrunching up her nose, as if she had seen something disgusting.

"I'm wearing clothes." I rolled my eyes as I turned on the radio. Blow by Kesha blasted out the speakers as I started to sing along.

"Ughh, we really need to get you to the mall ASAP." She shook her head obviously disappointed at my lack of fashion sense.

My thoughts reeled back to the phone call I had received earlier from the strange man; I had collapsed on the floor thinking about what I deserved to be tested like this. Though magically enough I had mustered up some courage and had gotten myself together in time. I let my mind wander back to Victoria's useless chattering, relieved that I could hopefully forget about the stranger by being with Victoria.

Once we had gotten to the mall's parking lot, I thought about why I was even here. Victoria hadn't told me the purpose of going to the mall; I shook my head at my stupidity. I was supposed to be concerned about my family dinner tonight; instead I was here with her.

"Hey Vicky, why am I here? I thought we had decided I wasn't coming tonight?" My thoughts went to Jesse immediately. I slapped my forehead; I had forgotten to tell him I wasn't going tonight. Why am I so stupid? I ask that question to myself way too many times.

"Well, since you cancelled on me yesterday cause you were oh-so depressed over your boyfriend so I thought today could be the perfect day to buy you a dress for Jesse's party." She cheerily said hopping out of the car.

"I guess, but hold on I have to call Jesse to let him know I'm not coming tonight." I saw her walk on ahead as I dug through my pockets to find my cell. I called Jesse instantly; I had his number on speed dial.

It went straight to his voicemail. Shit. Then I heard a familiar laugh on the other end that made my blood freeze.

"Hello darling Avira. I just wanted to let you know your time is coming close to an end. Enjoy the life you have, because soon you won't have it." My eyes widened in shock as my phone went tumbling to the ground. Oh my god! What had just happened? This couldn't be real, this only happened in movies. How?

I quickly regained my strength as I ran to the closest bus stop. I had to find Jesse, and I had to find him now.

I hurriedly pushed buttons on my phone to let Victoria know I had something urgent to do. I got off at the stop closest to Jesse's house which was a block away.

I made my way past the houses; I felt sweat dripping from my forehead. I was glad I wore shoes today. As I ran closer and closer to Jesse's house panic spread through me at an infinite rate. What if something happened to him? What if he was kidnapped? What if he was kill-

I couldn't get myself to say the last line and I didn't want to linger on that thought either. I felt my hair sticking to me from the sweat as my adrenaline took over. Fear racked every single cell in my body as I saw Jesse's house coming into view.

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