Chapter 8

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I have nothing to say ! excepttt COMMMENTTTTTTTTT AND VOTEEEE PLEASEEE <3

If I don't get atleast 5 votes IM NOT UPLOADINGGG!!!

I just wanted to make that clear =)


Recap: Chapter 7

"It's not a problem; the master specially ordered this food for you since he knew it was your favorite." Confusion spread through me, Derek knew what food I liked?

"Sorry for asking, but how does Derek know what food I like?" I raised my eyebrow adding to my confusion.

She let out a small chuckle before proceeding. "Oh Derek isn't the master, Jesse is."


Chapter 8 - Forgetting

I stared wide-eyed at the girl in front of me. Jesse was the master? How was that possible? Was Jesse the one who got me kidnapped? Questions raced through my head until the maid spoke again.

"Master Jesse would also like for you to know that he wants to have dinner with you tonight, and there are outfits in the closet for you."

"Dinner? Is there a way I could not go?" I asked hopefully. She gingerly shook her head.

"No, you must go. Master Jesse gest very violent when he doesn't get what he wants." She told me in a hushed tone. Violent? I had never seen him angry before, I wonder what had happened in the time I was locked away. "Dinner will be served in approximately five hours and you are not allowed to leave the room. Those are Master Jesse's exact words and I hope you do not try to run away." Before leaving she added, "And by the way my name is Lisa."

And with that she left me alone in my room to clear my thoughts for five hours.

I took the T.V. remote and turned it on flipping through the channels. I settled on watching Pretty Little Liars, I hadn't watched that show in forever and I was really behind on it. Thankfully it was still airing, and it was a marathon tonight so it was easy to pass the time.

About 3 hours into the show I turned the T.V off to get ready for the dinner, I didn't want to "upset" Jesse.

I strode into the bathroom and awed, they had black marble sinks and a huge mirror that was embedded into the wall. I looked around and saw there was a Jacuzzi on one side and a shower on the other. The shower was the kind that sprayed from every side and I quickly stripped down and made my way into it.

I relaxed into the shower and let the water run over my body making all my muscles relax. I shampooed and conditioned my hair and got out in exactly twenty minutes.

I took a towel and wrapped it around me while I went into the bedroom to find some clothes. I opened the door to reveal Derek sitting on my bed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." He trailed on, his eyes traveling down my body that was soaked and only covered with a towel. I blushed and realized I was still standing in the room. In a second I was in the bathroom shutting the door behind me in a panic.

Oh my god! Derek had just seen me in a towel. I heard some shuffling on the other side of the door before I heard a muffled voice.

"I'm sorry, I never knew you were uh taking a shower." I put my head into my hands blushing from embarrassment and then realized he couldn't see me anyways. I stood there quietly waiting for him to go away, but I could still hear him in my bedroom.

I frantically searched the bathroom for something to wear, but I came up with nothing. So I decided to go to the door and talk to Derek.

"Uh, Derek I don't have any clothes here so do you mind leaving the bedroom for a moment?" I heard rustling on the other side of the door before I heard him speak again.

"Yeah I'll just wait outside." With that I heard footsteps leaving and then the opening and closing of a door. I took a deep breath before stepping into the room and rushing towards my wardrobe.

I found mostly dresses but with some more searching I found a plain black t-shirt and some denim shorts. I put them on and went to open the door.

Derek stood there wearing a dark green button up shirt and black denim jeans. I found myself checking him out and quickly dropping my gaze to the floor. Derek noticed and stood there smirking at me.

"So did you need anything?" I asked hesitantly.

"I was just checking if you were coming to attend dinner tonight with Master Jesse." Even Derek called him Master, what was up with that?

"Well, I don't really have a choice." I replied gazing past his shoulder staring at a painting on the wall. It was a painting of a woman with long brown hair and blue eyes. She seemed happy and joyful in the picture. It seemed she was pretty young but not that young. I heard Derek stop talking and my attention from the painting was retracted back to him.

"Were you even listening to me?" Derek's tone hardened as I flinched back fearing his outbreak.

His eyes softened and I was suddenly pushed into my bedroom and onto the floor with Derek on top of me. My eyes widened as I struggled under his weight while he put his knees on top of my legs from letting me escape.

"You're scared aren't you? Every time you see me you fear me?" My eyes locked with his while I tried to find my voice, but it was impossible. He was right I feared him more than anything in the world.

"I-I..uh" Derek stopped me from continuing on by crashing his lips to mine. He pulled away just as quickly as he had started and got up from his position on top of me and heading towards the door.

"Trust me when I say there are worse things out there other than me." And with that he slammed the door behind him leaving me in a state of confusion on the floor. What the hell was that all about??!!

Derek had just kissed me, and worse I had actually liked it.


I wonder what's going to happen next??

Oh wait I do know!! I'm so evil XD.

And remember if I don't receive atleast five or more votes no more chapterssss!!! I will probably upload even if I don't, but not for a loooooong time.

Thanks, love you all <3

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