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Karlie had woken up despite her wishes to fall back into the deep sleep she was caught in only moments before. She stretched her long limbs trying to ease the ache she felt in them due to the long night before. Looking to her side she found the blue-eyed singer wrapped around her body underneath the thin blanket. A smile appeared along her lips at the sight of Taylor sleeping so peacefully.

Turning her head to glance at the small digital clock located on the nightstand beside the bed. A sigh escaped her lips when she saw the time. They'd agreed to leave early the night before to get to Taylor's house before the chances of paparazzi being there got higher.

"Tay," Karlie softly spoke trying to get the singer to wake up. Instead, Taylor scrunched up her nose and burrowed her face further into the model's side eliciting a silent laugh from the model. 

After her many attempts of waking the singer failed, Karlie switched gears and opted for another tactic. Leaning closer to the blonde, Karlie placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before making a delicate trail to her lips. Taylor's reaction was almost instant; her tired eyes flew open and her cheeks grew flushed. She'd never expected to wake up in such an intimate and domestic moment with the model beside her.

"Morning," Came the brunette's quiet greeting. Taylor flashed her a smile in return before leaning up to place a kiss on her lips. It was gentle and sweet, but it conveyed a different meaning than their past kisses. It was a silent agreement that they could get used to this; whatever this was.

"Morning," Taylor spoke once they broke away from the kiss. She let her arms squeeze the model gently before relaxing against her and letting out a content sigh. Karlie could only smile at the small action that spoke a million words. 

Their position shifted and the blonde ended up sitting in the model's lap. She found herself laying her head against the model's chest listening to the calming beats of her heart. Her arms wrapped around the model's chest keeping her close while Karlie's hands rubbed her back in small circles and played with her blonde hair. They spent what felt like hours wrapped around each other in bed letting their silent actions say what they were too afraid to say out loud.

"We have to get up, Tay," The model finally let out glancing at the clock once more. They'd have to leave soon if they wanted to get to the singer's house before those hunters with cameras. 

"I know," Taylor replied without making any effort to break their embrace. Instead, she held on tighter and burrowed further into the model's chest.

"What's wrong?" She found herself asking, after noticing the change in the blonde's demeanor. 

Taylor's smile was still present but it wasn't one of happiness, instead, it resembled longing and uncertainty. Her blue eyes went from being bright with emotion to dark with insecurity. Karlie's ability to read her after knowing each other for such a short period of time was almost frightening.

Instead of responding, the shorter girl distanced herself from the model by sitting up and holding her head down. The bright flicker in her eyes grew dimmer by the second although it was hard for Karlie to see due to Taylor refusing to meet her eyes. Her smile started dropping gradually while her walls starting coming up.

"Taylor, talk to me," The brunette spoke in a gentle voice as she placed a soothing hand on the blonde's cheek.

"It's stupid," The blue-eyed girl reflexively answered. Her guard was up and she hated it. Karlie didn't deserve the kind of attitude she was giving her, but she couldn't help it. After Dianna, Taylor grew accustomed to becoming defensive instead of talking about her emotions.

"Nothing you say could be stupid," Karlie replied in the same gentle voice. Her voice showed no amount of annoyance like Dianna's normally would. Her eyes didn't roll like Dianna's would when Taylor acted like this. Her grip on the singer didn't grow stronger like Dianna's would. Karlie was acting nothing like what Taylor was used to.

'She's so different.'

'I don't deserve this.'

'Dianna would never do this.'

All these thoughts ran rampant in Taylor's mind. Each thought was alike but different in its own way. Each thought connected to different memories she'd rather forget. Each thought brought her to one realization that she found herself faced with more often than not: Karlie was nothing like Dianna.

"I don't want things to go back to normal," Taylor let out barely above a whisper. Her eyes flittered up to meet Karlie's green ones before she looked back down. If the model hadn't been as close as she was, she wouldn't have heard the singer's words.

"They won't. Daisy, you've flipped my world upside down and I mean that in the best way possible. I don't want things to go back to how they were either. I don't think anything will ever be the same when we get out of these woods," The model spoke truthfully as her thumb slowly stroked the singer's cheek.

Over the short time where she was speaking, the model saw Taylor's eyes slowly moving up to meet hers. They were watery, but for reasons other than sadness. Karlie had spoken the words Taylor not only wanted to hear but needed to hear. In a way, Karlie had spoken the words Dianna had always failed to say.

"Karls," Taylor started before she felt the words get caught in her throat. There was something in the model's eyes that made her forget everything she was going to say. 

The fire in Karlie's green eyes was something the blue-eyed girl had never seen before and it was something she never thought she'd see. In the model's eyes, Taylor found what she had spent her whole life searching for. What she saw made her heart beat rapidly and her pulse go through the roof. Every insecurity was washed away and replaced with a feeling of safety when she caught sight of Karlie's eyes.

"Tay," The model started to say before her mind went blank only to be replaced with thoughts of the singer before her. The way in which Taylor watched her captivated the model instantly.

The way in which Taylor looked at her seemed to unlock every emotion she had been too scared to admit. Everything felt new and exciting. Every emotion Karlie felt with the blue-eyed girl was different from anything she had experienced before. When she was with Taylor, she felt a kaleidoscope of emotion all ranging from confusion to infatuation.

"Karlie," The singer said as if she were saying the name for the first time. The way she said Karlie's name was unlike every other time. She said it with a different emotion she was scared to acknowledge.

To Taylor, it wasn't just a name anymore, it was so much more. Karlie wasn't just a person anymore; Karlie was everything and so many things beyond that. Karlie was sunshine and rain. Karlie was happiness and darkness. Karlie was dangerous and safe. Karlie was a roaring fire and a raging flood. Karlie was nothing like Taylor had ever experienced.

"Taylor," The model let out making everything stop. Time slowed down until it came to a complete stop.  Taylor's swirling thoughts stopped as soon as they registered her name being spoken by Karlie. Her teary eyes cleared up in an instant. 

It only took a second for their eyes to lock on to each other's. Their hearts stopped and began beating at the same tempo creating a beautiful rhythm they could never replicate with anyone else; not Dianna and definitely not Josh. They both felt a magnetic pull drawing them closer to one another until their lips met in the middle.

'I love you,' They both thought, but they were too afraid to say it out loud.


Merry Christmas everyone. Sorry it's been a while since I've updated this story but I'm working on it. I have one more week off of school so the next chapter is coming soon.

Anyways comment and vote...please?

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