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"There's this place I like," Taylor started softly, careful not to break the peaceful bubble that had enveloped the two.

They found themselves on Karlie's couch, both staring out the large windows across from them. The lights were slowly starting to turn off around the city making way for the sun that was slowly rising. It was almost symbolic.

Karlie sat up with her back pressed against the soft cushions of the couch. Her right arm leaning against the arm of the couch still holding her mug of coffee that had gone cold. Taylor on the other hand, was laying down across the cushions using Karlie's lap as a pillow. They both had stayed silent, letting the conversation from the kitchen sink in; at least until the blue-eyed singer spoke.

"Do you know where it is?" The taller model asked in the same volume after softly clearing her throat. Part of her found it sweet that the blonde was willing to move to a completely new state solely because of her; whether she admitted it or not.

"TriBeCa, my team reached out to the owner a couple of days ago, but we haven't heard back," Taylor said with a frown. It was so present that the taller girl could hear it within her words.

"Maybe they just haven't received anything? You could try again and see if you hear back," Karlie replied, moving her free hand to rest gently around the singer's waist providing her with slight comfort, "although, if that doesn't work then I suppose you'll just have to stay longer."

Taylor didn't miss the playful tone in the model's voice. It was siren-like, pulling her into a sweet illusion. A possible life, however short it may be, here with Karlie. Coffee at midnight and much-needed conversations. Early mornings tangled up on the couch or the bed. Meredith padding around, inspecting new territory. It was almost too good to be true; if it were possible.

"It almost sounds like you never want me to go," Taylor said, settling for playful banter instead of the hurtful reality they faced.

Maybe, just maybe, they could forget about the things preventing them from having a life together. They could forget about the paparazzi lurking around every corner. Fans recognizing them at any given moment. Even Josh, who was starting to catch on quicker than they both could have predicted. Maybe, for the few hours of the morning when the world was still asleep, they could pretend and forget.

Taylor turned gently, her back now pressed against the plush cushions adapting to the shape of her body. Her blue eyes now looking up, taking in every feature that was Karlie. The soft peach fuzz on her face countered the sharp outline of her jaw. Gentle green eyes and warm lips that both held a smile that made the singer's thoughts drift away.

"I mean," The model started, drawing out the word while shifting her gaze from the rising sun to the shorter girl below her, "I wouldn't be opposed to the idea."

"Is that so?"

Karlie simply nodded softly, leaning down as much as she could to connect her lips to the singer's. It felt safe and warm, as long as she pushed the sharp pain in her chest down. Pain reminding her that what they were doing was wrong, as much as they wanted it to be right; as much as it felt right.


Taylor once again found herself staring at her tattered notebook. Her small pencil was in her hand scribbling words and striking through them just like she had done so many times in the past twenty-four hours. She found herself repeatedly going back to the same lines she thought of whenever she was around the model.

Her thoughts had gone back to their trip to Big Sur. It felt like a lifetime ago now with all that had taken place since then. It was almost unbelievable that the trip had even taken place.


"Karls! These games are horrible," Taylor said in a tone that reminded the model of a toddler throwing a tantrum. The singer looked at her incredulously after she heard laughter coming from Karlie.

"You can't beat the level, huh?" Karlie quipped, her eyes remaining focused on the road before her. A simple huff from the singer was enough to confirm her theory.

"Stupid game," Taylor quietly breathed just loud enough to make the taller girl erupt with laughter once more.

"Okay grumpy pants, how about we just talk for a bit?" The model offered after watching Taylor put her phone down in the corner of her eye. She saw the singer readjust herself in the passenger seat before speaking again.

"How did you become a model?" Taylor asked, her voice full of curiosity. Of course, she had googled the model, but she only found basic information. There were interviews but she decided against watching them due to it being deemed as 'creepy' and 'stalker behavior' by Ed.

"Oh, well I was just at the mall with my sisters, having a good time and the next thing I know, some guy is in front of me handing me a card for an agency and telling me that I had potential. It all happened so fast after that. I had my first show, and then my next and the one after that and now I'm a Victoria's Secret angel."

"Is it ever...tiring?" Taylor almost hesitated before asking. It seemed almost insensitive, knowing how highly Karlie thought of the job, but she was curious.

"Of course, there are days where I don't sleep at all. There are all these shows and quick outfit changes, not to mention the fittings that come before. Long flights halfway across the world, followed by jet lag and having to keep up with time differences. And there's parties, oh my gosh the parties are the most tiring part," Karlie let out as her knuckles gripped the wheel a bit tighter. It wasn't often that people asked the truth about her job, "Everyone sees the lavish posts on social media from the party, but they don't understand that it's all about connections made there. Most of the time it's all for business and appearance than about fun. Yet, as tiring as it all is, it's what I love. I love this job and I'm proud of everything I've achieved. I wouldn't trade it for the world."

Taylor was almost stunned by the response she received. It was almost uncanny how many similarities there were between Karlie's life and her own.


"Small talk, she drives...co- coffee at midnight," Taylor sang softly as she scribbled words down in her notebook after saying them. The song was like a mosaic of moments put together. All reflecting the same person and emotion.

It was a mosaic of Karlie and of...love; at least the possibility of love.


A small thank you to everyone that still reads this. I'll try to get more done and published before school starts up again.

Also, comment and vote....please?

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