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As promised here is your new chapter.


Nervously pacing back and forth, Karlie found herself searching her townhouse for anything that might seem out of place. It wasn't the fact that a world-class celebrity would be staying with her; Karlie could care less about the singer's status. It was the fact that Taylor was staying with her.

Running a hand through her short hair, a habit she had picked up from Josh, she heard the doorbell ring sending a jolt through her. Stopping dead in her tracks, Karlie let out a deep breath before turning towards the door.

'It'll be fine, she's just staying for the week. What could possibly go wrong?' She thought to herself before letting out one final breath and reaching for the doorknob.

Pulling open the door, she was met with a bare-faced Taylor nervously fiddling with the handle on Meredith's cat carrier. The sight instantly brought a wide smile to her face, making her heart skip a beat.

"Hey, come in," Karlie said breaking the silence and pulling the door open wider. Sidestepping, she gave the singer room to enter. Looking out, she saw James and Henry coming towards her with what she assumed was Taylor's luggage. Offering them a smile and a 'hi' she let them in.

"Don't worry, they won't be staying here. Management put them in a hotel nearby, they'll alternate between watching the house though, if that's okay with you of course," Taylor started before beginning to ramble towards the end. Karlie smiled at the nervous habit nonetheless, she shook her head slightly before quietly waiting for the two men to leave.

The second they were gone; she had her arms wrapped around the singer in a tight embrace similar to when she arrived in LA for the first time after the fashion show. It was quickly reciprocated by the blue-eyed girl.

"I missed you so much," Taylor said quietly as she let herself melt into the embrace. She felt Karlie press a light kiss into her scalp before nodding in agreement.

"I missed you too."

They both knew what they were feeling was beyond anything they'd ever felt before. They both knew it was something strong, something dying to be recognized. They were both afraid to say it out loud.


"There's this one place that I really want to see but the landlord won't give us a reply," Taylor let out from her position atop of the model. Hours after the singer had arrived and settled in, they found themselves cuddled up in Karlie's bed watching reruns of Friends and discussing Taylor's plans for the week.

"That's strange, usually when someone wants to rent their place here, they're quick to reply. Must be some special place," Karlie said eliciting a nod of agreement from the blonde, "I guess you'll just have to keep asking to see it. How far is it from here?"

"Not far, ten minutes at the most," Taylor replied with a small yawn, despite the small difference in time, she was experiencing major jetlag. Karlie noticed quickly and tightened her hold around her waist before reaching up to run her fingers through her hair coaxing her to sleep. It wasn't long until Taylor gave in to her fatigue, finally shutting her eyes and drifting off to sleep. It wasn't long before Karlie was asleep too.

Her head tucked into the model's neck; her glasses having been removed by said model. Karlie's arm wrapped securely around her waist while her free hand was tangled in her short blonde hair. The tv had been turned off only to be replaced with the soft humming of the air conditioning and the sounds of the city outside.

They could get used to this.


The next morning Taylor woke up to the sound of a car horn blaring outside. Her eyes opened slightly, taking a moment to adjust to the brightness of the room before felt a smile grow on her face at the thought of being in Karlie's home, in her bed. Turning around in the model's embrace she was met with bright green eyes staring back at her.

"Stalker," She breathed out with a small laugh only to be rewarded with a light kiss. She felt Karlie's arms pulling her closer under the light sheets covering them. A content sigh slipped past her lips at the domestic feeling of it all. She could get used to waking up like this...minus the loud cars outside.

"Good morning to you too," Karlie said in a light tone. Taylor simply smiled up at her before burrowing further into her. Everything about the moment was delicate, in the best way possible.

"How about I go make us breakfast while you get up?" Karlie let out after moments of silence passed between them. Taylor groaned but nodded nonetheless letting the model go. With a final kiss, she slipped out from under the covers before leaving the singer alone in the room.

Finally putting on her glasses Taylor let herself look around the small room taking note of how cozy it was. She let her eyes wander along the picture frames of who she assumed was Karlie's family and friends. Her curiosity spiked when she realized there were no pictures of Josh, with or without Karlie. Making a mental note to ask about it later, she got up and headed toward the bathroom.

Once she was out, she left the bedroom only to be hit with the smell of burnt toast coming from the kitchen. Taylor felt a laugh escape her when she saw Karlie frantically trying to take the toast out of the toaster while also making sure the eggs on the oven didn't burn.

"Oh, hey, out so soon?" The model asked nonchalantly when she saw Taylor sit at the small island. This only brought another laugh out of the singer. Seconds later, she offered her help, which Karlie graciously accepted.

'I could get used to this,' Taylor thought to herself as she and Karlie moved around the kitchen like they'd been doing it for years instead of for the first time.

Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. I'm thinking the next chapter will be Taylor writing more of  Y.A.I.L.

I also don't know when the next chapter will be out. I haven't started writing it and I probably won't have time to do so this week. I will get it out as soon as I can though.

Guysssss my birthday is tomorrowwwww. I also don't think it's a coincidence that my birthday is on the first day of pride month.

Anyways comment and vote....please?

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