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"Where are you taking me?" Taylor asked lifting her head up to look around. The taxi seemed to stop near water. She had never been here before and she would at least like to know where 'here' is exactly.

"I'm not going to kill you and dump you into the Hudson river if that's what you're thinking," Karlie said getting a laugh from the taxi driver and a fearful look from Taylor.

Karlie leaned forward to pay for the ride before Taylor had time to react. She opened the door to her side and stepped out leaning down and offering a hand to the blonde.

"Why are we at the Hudson river?" Taylor asked as she took the model's hand.

"We're here because I wanted to show you something," Karlie says flashing Taylor a smile before leading her down the sidewalk towards what appeared to be a pier.

"Hopefully not the bottom of the Hudson River," Taylor muttered quietly making Karlie burst out in laughter. Soon enough she joined in on the laughter finding Karlie's to be contagious.

"Are you always so morbid?" The model asked tilting her head to face the singer beside her. She loved the way the moonlight looked on Taylor's features.

"Oh, shush, I get it from my mother," Taylor said as she saw what looked like a ferry coming their way, "You're not going to stick me on a ferry and sail me away to who-knows-where to sell me, right?" She said getting another laugh out of Karlie.

"As much as the thought of making millions if not billions off of you sounds like a great deal, I'm not going to sell you. I'm simply going to show you something seeing as you might not have to time to see it while you're here," Karlie said when the ferry came to a stop in front of them. She started walking forward with Taylor reluctantly following behind her.


"Oh! We're almost there," Karlie said as the ferry started turning. Taylor looked at her with a confused expression. Karlie gave her a smile and stepped behind her to cover her eyes.

"Is this really necessary?" Taylor asked playfully swatting at Karlie's hands covering her eyes.

"Yes, this is a surprise."

"I don't like surprises," Taylor says pouting her lips. Karlie looked away from her and focused her attention instead on the statue coming into view. Slowly, she removed her hands from Taylor's eyes and stepped forward to be by her side.

"Look up," Karlie said. She could feel her shoulders brush against Taylor's as the singer stepped slightly closer.

"Karlie, she's beautiful," Taylor said looking at the statue lit up by lights. The bright city could be seen miles away from the statue adding the perfect scenery.

"She is," The model said not looking away from Taylor. Taylor turned her head to look at her, but Karlie turned away and blushed. At that moment, the singer could feel her heart beat faster. She smiled knowing it was beating that way because of Karlie.

"I don't want our night to end," Taylor said leaning her head onto Karlie's shoulder.

"It doesn't have too," Karlie said kissing the top of the blonde's head and wrapping an arm loosely around her waist. She looked down when she felt Taylor tracing circles on her hand. Not once did Karlie dare look away from her. She didn't want to miss a second of this in fear that she would never spend time alone with the singer like this again.

She knew that what she was doing was probably wrong because of Josh, but she couldn't deny the way Taylor made her feel. Ever since that morning when they were laying on the ground together, she felt different toward the singer.

"So, where is it that we're going now?" Taylor asked as they stepped out of the ferry and walked down the small ramp leading to the pier. Karlie held her hand as they walked towards an awaiting car.

"No driver?" Taylor asked eyeing the car. She hadn't seen Karlie with a car and she certainly hadn't seen anyone inside the car.

"I rented it, they dropped it off while we were on the ferry," Karlie explained as she walked up to the car and opened the passenger side door for Taylor. The singer blushed and got in flashing Karlie a smile before the door closed and the model rushed to the other side.

"You never answered my question," Taylor said looking over to Karlie as the engine started.

"If I told you where we were going, it wouldn't be a surprise," Taylor let out a huff, but reached for Karlie's hand on the center console and intertwined their fingers. She knew she shouldn't be doing this with someone who's in a relationship, but it just felt right. No one could blame her.


Thirty-five minutes later, Karlie parked the car near the bottom of the high line. Taylor looked out her window and saw wooden planks lit up by small lights.

"Where are we?" She asked when Karlie opened her door to help her out.

"We are at the high line. It used to be a rail line, but they turned it into a park a few years ago," Karlie explained reaching for Taylor's hand. Taylor blushed but kept her hand in Karlie's.

They walked up the wooden steps in comfortable silence. The singer's head lying against the model's shoulder as they walked. Taylor had almost forgotten that she was Taylor Swift when she saw a pair of girls coming toward them.

"Hi, oh my gosh I can't believe it's really you. Can we get a picture?" One of them asked. It took everything in the singer, not to let her smile falter.

"Of course," She said reaching for the phone being held out to her. The girls stood on either side of her while Karlie stood off to the distance away from the trio. Quickly after snapping the photo, Taylor said her goodbyes to the girls and went off to meet Karlie who was leaning against the railing.

"I'm sorry about them," She said taking a step next to the taller girl.

"It's fine, Tay. I can't keep you all to myself, now can I?" She said reaching for the singer's hand again.

"I suppose you can't," She said leaning her head on Karlie's shoulder like she had been doing all night, "I've never experienced the city like this before," Taylor said after letting moments of silence pass them.

"I haven't either," Karlie said leaning her head on top of the singer's.

"Why not? You live here, you should experience this every night."

"Well, yes, but I never take the time to enjoy any of it. I'm always running around trying to get to shoots and whenever I have free time, I spend it sleeping. Besides, doing all of these things alone isn't that fun."

"What about Josh, or your friends?"

"I love hanging out with them, but they're not the right people to do any of this with. They live here. They've already seen the beauty of this city. Anywhere that they want to go is either indoors or in a different city. They're just not the right people to do any of this with," Karlie said lifting her head and looking down at the singer, 'even in the darkness, she looks beautiful. What? She's just your friend Kloss. You have a boyfriend anyway.'

"And I am?" Taylor questioned looking up to meet Karlie's green eyes. Karlie could've sworn that something changed in her when she met Taylor's blue eyes.


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