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December 30th was a confusing day to say the least. Never would she have expected to be engaged to the person that she caught cheating on her only 29 days ago. Never would she have imagined that she would say yes. Never would she have regretted saying yes to the person she loved. Never would she have wished that she ended the relationship when she had the chance. Never would she have thought that her life would be controlled by the person that supposedly loved her.

Looking back at all of this now, Taylor did all of those things. She said yes to Dianna when she asked and she got engaged to her. She regretted saying yes, the moment the small word left her lips. She wished now more than anything, that she would've just ended her relationship with the older actress. She had let her life become consumed by the actress and her ridicule. Taylor let all of these things happen to her and she felt terribly miserable now.

The proposal was completely out of the blue. Dianna came home one day and just popped the question. She made no effort to make the moment special. She hadn't even made the effort to get down on one knee. After Taylor said yes, Dianna hadn't even given her so much as a peck on the cheek. She had walked right by her after the ring was on her finger and she didn't even care to say anything else to her for the rest of the day.

They stayed in different rooms of the house. At one point, Taylor heard Dianna on the phone, but she kept quiet and decided not to think much of it, instead she decided to call home and let her family know that she's engaged.

"Hi mom," Taylor said once her mother answered the call.

"Hi, Taylor, this is a nice surprise."

Taylor tried not to let that simple sentence get to her. She hadn't called home in over a month due to Dianna asking her not to. She didn't know how a single person could rip her away from the important people in her life.

"Yeah, I know I just, I thought I should let you know that I'm engaged."

"You're what?" Andrea asked with shock and confusion laced in her voice.

"I'm engaged. Dianna asked me to marry her when she got home today and I said yes," The singer said not believing what was coming out of her mouth.

"Are you sure about this? Don't you think it's a little early? You've only been dating for a while."

"I'm sure mom. This is what I want, maybe this is a good thing, not everything that happens with me and Dianna is bad," Taylor didn't believe a word that she said. Dianna wasn't good for her and she knew it. She knew that this relationship would only end in flames, but she didn't know how to leave.

"If you say so. Listen, I have to go help your father with Austin. I'll talk to you...soon." With that, Andrea hung up the phone leaving Taylor to sit there with tears welling up in her eyes. She had nothing else to do but call her friends and let them in on the big news. She just hoped that they didn't take it the way her mom took it.

"Hello?" Taylor said after making a joint call to all of her friends.

"Taylor? You're alive?" She heard Sam say. She smiled at the Brit's antics.

"Yes, I am indeed very much alive. I actually wanted to let you all know something."

"All? Who else is on the line?"

"Ed, Selena and Ella," Taylor replied. She smiled when she heard them all say awkward hellos due to the shock of the phone call. Like her mom, her friends had also been left out the loop for over a month without so much as an explanation.

"So, what's the big news Tay? It's gotta be good if you made a joint call," Ella said giving Taylor everyone's attention.

"Well, I sort of got engaged," She said in a quiet tone. Dianna had come downstairs while she was speaking. Taylor wasn't sure what the actress would think if she heard her on the phone with her friends.

"You did what!?"

"Blimey, Taylor, have you lost your mind?" Ed said after Selena's outburst. Taylor felt more tears well up in her eyes. She tried so hard not to let them fall that she had accidentally let a sniffle escape.

"Tay, I think what Ed is trying to say is that maybe this is too soon," Ella tried reasoning after hearing the sniffle. Ed had stayed quiet, but Taylor knew that his silence was due to not wanting to start something after what he said not because he felt bad. He had every right to say what he did. It's what they were all thinking after all.

"We support you in this decision, of course, but maybe it's just a tad bit too soon. Especially after everything that has happened over the past few days," Sam said after hearing what Ella had said. Selena still had yet to make a statement.

"Tay, I've always been your best friend, we all have. We have all told you what you wanted to hear in your past relationships, but this where I draw the line. I will always be your best friend, but I will not stand by and watch you throw your life away over someone who doesn't even care about you and pulls you away from the people that mean the most to you. This isn't like you and you know it. If you do go through with this, don't bother inviting me to the wedding," With that Selena hung up. The rest of her friends followed suit after that and Taylor was left to herself and her tears.

She didn't know why she was crying. Everything her friends had said was true, so why was she crying? Was she finally realizing that she had made the wrong decision? Or was it just the fact that her friends weren't supportive of her engagement?

"Who were you talking to?" Dianna asked leaning against the doorway to the living room.

"I was just telling Ed, Sam, Ella and...Selena about the engagement. I called my mom to let her know about it too."

"Ok. Come to bed, it's late." Taylor only nodded and quickly wiped away her tears and followed after her fiancé. Fiancé. The word didn't feel right when it was applied to the actress.

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