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Another hour was spent on the road before Taylor came to a stop before the gloomy beach the two had stopped at on the way to Big Sur. Along the drive, Karlie's hand had found a permanent place in Taylor's. The drive had consisted of comfortable silence, only to be interrupted by the short jokes they shared followed by bursts of laughter. The pair didn't feel the need to use words to communicate; the light squeezes of their intertwined hands spoke more words than either girl could articulate.

Pulling the keys from the ignition, Taylor was forced to let go of the model's hand much to both of their discomforts. As they exited the car, Karlie pulled their jackets out of the backseat, taking note of the slight gusts of wind followed by a slight chill.

"Come on," Karlie spoke as she reached her hand out to the shorter girl after they had shrugged on their jackets.

Light fog surrounded them not unlike it had just days before. The beach could only be described as gloomy, but there was something about it that brought comfort to the young pair. The beach felt important to them; it felt like they were meant to end up there at that exact moment in time with each other.

With Taylor's hand in hers, Karlie led them to the shoreline, stopping just before the water could reach them. The light breeze brought on by the wind gently sent their hair flying in different directions causing them both to let out quiet giggles. The two looked out to the sea succumbing to a calm silence interrupted by the waves lapping against the shore leaving foam suds in its wake.

The singer closed her eyes and spread out her arms to her sides letting herself be overcome by the elements around her. She felt at peace standing before the sea with Karlie beside her. It wasn't long before Karlie moved to stand behind her wrapping her arms around her waist and resting her head on hers. It was a moment Taylor knew she wanted to remember forever; it felt meaningful.

"It's so beautiful Karlie," The blonde said referring to everything she felt at that moment. Everything from the wind against her face to the feeling of the model's arms around her could only be described as beautiful.

"It is," The model answered without taking her eyes off of the blonde before her. She felt a wave of DeJa'Vu hit her recalling their first adventure spent in New York.

She did everything she could to etch the look of peace on Taylor's face into her memory. Her green eyes darted across each of the singer's features urging her brain to burn them into her memory. Everything from her eyes fluttering under her closed eyelids and slightly parted red lips to the light rose blush spread across her cheeks was something the model knew she'd hold in her heart forever.

"Karlie," Taylor let out after peaceful beats of silence passed between them. She could feel the model let out a breath after being pulled from her thoughts.

"Yeah?" Came her reply in a voice so gentle Taylor could feel herself growing even calmer than she was before. Quickly regaining her composure, the shorter girl continued speaking.

"Promise you'll remember me," Taylor said in a quiet voice as if she were afraid to break the delicate moment, "When we go back to the real world, I mean. Even if it's just pretend and you're saying it to ease my mind. Promise that you'll remember me like this."

Although the singer hated how desperate she sounded she didn't care because she knew Karlie wouldn't judge her. The model was understanding and patient with her. Karlie knew just what to say to ease her worries and calm her racing thoughts. Taylor couldn't think of a single time the model had failed to say or do the right thing.

"Taylor, I don't ever want to remember anything else. I don't know what'll happen in the future but I know that I want to face it with you. I...," Karlie spoke before pausing and letting out a breath, "I want to give this whole thing a shot, but only if you want to too."

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