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Hey, Tay, how's my favorite singer today?- Karls

The singer's phone went off letting her know that she had just gotten a text message. Looking to her side to check her phone, she felt herself break out into a smile. Almost two months had passed since she last saw the model.

Good now that I'm talking to you- Tay

Karlie felt herself start to blush when she read Taylor's reply. Truth was, she couldn't get the singer off of her mind since the night they spent together in New York.

'Get yourself together, Kloss, you have a boyfriend. Taylor is just your friend, you shouldn't get worked up over a simple text message,' She scolded herself. Shaking her head to rid herself of her thoughts, Karlie sent her reply.

Rough day?- Karls

The model knew that Taylor had started having longer days due to being on tour. As much as she knew that the blonde loved her job, Karlie also knew that Taylor pushed herself too hard sometimes.

Yeah, just need a break- Tay

Karlie felt a lightbulb go off in her head as she typed out her next message. Quickly she sent it before she could change her mind.

Well, maybe if it makes you feel any better, I could come visit you- Karls

Really?- Tay

The singer couldn't believe what she had just read. Surely there was no way that Karlie was being serious...but what if she was? Taylor had missed her since their night in the city together.

Yeah, I think we could both use a break and a few days of being with a friend could do us both some good- Karls

Truth was, Karlie and Josh have been arguing nonstop ever since her night spent with Taylor around New York. The model just wanted to take a break to clear her head and make sense of what she had started feeling since meeting the blonde singer. She knew that running to Taylor maybe wasn't the best idea considering how she felt for her, but right now all she wanted was for the two of them to be close to each other. They would Skype, call or text each other daily, but it got harder each time Taylor went to a different country. The time differences made talking harder between them.

I would love a visit, but I think it would be better if we went to my Rhode Island home. It's quieter over there and paparazzi are almost never around- Tay

'What if she says no to Rhode Island? Why did I have to suggest Rhode Island, she probably thinks it's too much,' Taylor said to herself as she saw three little dots dance around on her screen indicating that Karlie was typing. With each little bounce of the dots, she felt herself growing more anxious.

I think Rhode Island sounds perfect. I could really use a few quiet nights with someone. How does this weekend sound? I'm not sure if you'll still be in London- Karls

Taylor felt her heart skip a beat when she read the model's reply.

This weekend works for me. I'll see you soon Karls- Tay

See you soon Tay- Karls

To say Taylor was happy would be an understatement. She was internally jumping up and down while her heart did flips inside her chest. She had something to look forward to and that wasn't something she had had in a long time. For the first time since she called off her engagement, she felt happy.

Taylor felt as though the world was finally giving her a break. She felt truly happy and that's something she hadn't felt in a long time. When she was with Karlie, she couldn't remember the last time she didn't have to fake the smile on her face.

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