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The pair left Taylor's LA home just before the break of dawn. Taylor insisted on driving claiming that she hadn't driven herself in almost a year; that was half true. The main reason the blue-eyed girl wanted to drive was that she felt as though it was the only thing she could control. Karlie agreed to let her drive as long as she could control the music; the singer gave no complaint. Taylor opted to drive along the coast to avoid being seen. Karlie didn't mind, in fact, she preferred it.

It was just after six when Taylor took a second to glance to her side where she was met with the most beautiful sight. Karlie was curled up in her seat with a blanket over her as she slept. How she managed to get all six feet and two inches of her to fit in the small seat was beyond Taylor's comprehension, but she couldn't help but admire the model.

'Keep your eyes on the road, Taylor. You don't need a repeat of that one interview,' The blonde chastised herself as she forced herself to look away from the sleeping girl beside her. She took a breath to refocus herself, but she only found herself looking at Karlie once more.

This was going to be a long drive.


At seven Karlie woke up to see Taylor singing along to whatever song was playing. A smile never leaving her face as she watched the blonde start to dance along. Taylor had the brightest smile as she sang the lyrics to what Karlie had now identified as Lady Gaga's 'applause'. Quietly, the model took a picture wanting to remember this moment; wanting to remember Taylor this way.

Karlie knew this was a moment she wanted to remember forever. This would be a trip she wanted to remember forever. All because Taylor would be next to her.

'I like you Taylor Swift,' The model thought before drifting off letting sleep surround her.


"Karlie," The singer called as she shook the younger girl awake, "Karls, wake up, you need to see this."

"Huh?" The younger girl let out laced with a yawn. Karlie was not a morning person; she savored every ounce of sleep she could get.

"Karls, look," Taylor said quietly as she stopped the car along the edge of a small beach. When Karlie lifted her head, she let out a small gasp at how beautiful it looked.

"Come on," The tired girl said as she unbuckled her seat belt and exited the car. Taylor following suit.

They walked to the very edge where a fence stopped them from going any further. It was a beautiful sight but the closeness and unspoken words were what truly made it beautiful to them. They watched as the water lapped against the sand leaving suds and foam along the coastline in a cleansing ritual. The small breeze blew against their hair giving them a feeling of freedom and joy. They were alone but together.

The old ghosts and memories of Dianna still haunted Taylor's mind but when she was with Karlie all the fears and pain she was holding on to left. The broken promises and words that were failed to be said by the actress formed a storm cloud over Taylor's head but a single smile from Karlie washed away any and all remnants of gloom leaving happiness and laughter instead.

Josh's presence in Karlie's mind brought on an onslaught of guilt but remembering the way Taylor had around her was enough to make her forget about the guilt. Josh had chipped away at Karlie's heart, breaking it time and time again; Taylor was piecing it back together with every smile, laugh, touch, and emotion.

Just like the cleansing ritual they watched on the beach, Taylor and Karlie had their own.

"Isn't it beautiful Karlie?" Taylor asked in a wondrous tone. Karlie had turned her head to look at the singer before she answered.

'You're beautiful Taylor Alison Swift,' Karlie thought before giving the singer an answer.

"It's stunning," She replied truthfully speaking of both the beach and the girl beside her. When she turned back to the beach, she heard a click.

"I thought you'd want to keep this memory," Dan, one of her younger security guards explained. Taylor simply nodded and smiled wanting each moment of this trip to be remembered.

"We should get going," Taylor said speaking out against the sound of crashing waves

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"We should get going," Taylor said speaking out against the sound of crashing waves. Karlie gave her a smile and nodded. Deciding to be bold, Karlie grabbed Taylor's hand on the way back to the car; the singer felt her heart flutter at the action.

"Are you tired?" Karlie asked glancing over at the shorter girl beside her. She knew Taylor had to be tired from driving since they left the house nearly four hours ago. She wanted to make sure the singer was okay.

"Yeah, just a bit," The singer confessed just as they had stopped at the passenger side door.

"Okay, I'm driving. That way you can get some sleep," The model said as she tilted her head down to stare into Taylor's clear blue eyes. With a gentle smile and a look that gave a sense of safety in her eyes, Karlie had Taylor's heart bursting like a giddy schoolgirl. Taylor was blushing hard at what Karlie had said. That mixed with how close she was, Taylor couldn't help but give in. No one else had been that considerate. No one had looked at her that way before. No one had been Karlie.

"Okay," The blonde agreed handing Karlie the keys and letting her take over. Before leaving for the other side of the car, Karlie opened Taylor's door and made sure she got in okay. The chivalry brought a smile to the singer's lips.

If it were anyone else Taylor would have been hesitant. She would have argued to stay in control. She would have lied and said she wasn't tired. Taylor would've acted differently if it was anyone else; if it was Dianna.

But ever since she met her, Taylor came to realize that Karlie wasn't anyone else. Karlie wasn't like everyone else. Karlie was safe. Karlie was a risk. Karlie was an adventure. Karlie was a Pandora's box of emotions. Karlie wasn't Dianna. Karlie was Karlie; all at once, that was enough.

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