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The days leading up to the show were chaotic. Taylor had spent every day going to rehearsals and getting fitted for the dresses she had to wear. She wanted to be ready for the day of the show. Today was no exception to those other days.

"Hey, what are you doing here so early?" Karlie asked walking down the cat walk to meet the singer. Taylor smiles when she heard Karlie's voice.

"Just trying to get some rehearsing done before the day starts," She said turning to face the model. She looked as though she had just come from a work out. She had beads of sweat dripping down her neck and forehead.

"Isn't it a little early though? How long have you been here?" Karlie asked genuinely worried that the blonde would be over working herself.

"What time is it right now?"


"Then I've been here for about two hours," She replied raising the microphone to her lips getting ready to do a run through of the song again.

"Okay, that's enough," Karlie started, taking the mic from the singer, "We are going to go back stage and we are going to get some much-deserved sleep," She finished, grabbing Taylor's hand and leading her behind the stage. Taylor tried to ignore the warmth that radiated off of Karlie's hand and the tingling feeling she was left with as she led her to the couch.

"There aren't any pillows or blankets to sleep," Taylor said trying to get back to the runway, but Karlie was prepared for that.

"Here," She simply said handing her a bulky blanket that was perfect for the cold weather outside. Taylor scoffed and wrapped herself in the blanket while pouting her lips.

Karlie instantly looked away finding that Taylor was adorable whenever she pouted her lips. If she had looked for longer than she had, she would've probably let the singer go back out on to the runway and rehearse.

"What about pillows?" Her voice was muffled by the large blanket that covered her completely.

Karlie threw a pillow at her and immediately started laughing when she saw that it hit Taylor right in the face.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't think I would hit you. I usually have terrible aim," She said backing away from the singer charging towards her with a pillow. She yelled when Taylor lunged at her landing a hit on her back.

They both fell forward due to the force of the fall. Taylor used Karlie to break her fall while the model used her forearms to hold them up. When they fell, neither moved to get up. Instead Taylor wrapped the blanket around the two of them and used Karlie's shoulder as a pillow.

"Comfy there?" The model asked reaching for the pillow that Taylor threw at her. She placed it behind her head as she laid on her back with Taylor half on top of her.

Taylor simply nodded and closed her eyes. She hadn't realized how tired she actually was until she was laying on the floor with the model next to her. Slowly she drifted off to sleep listening to Karlie's rapid heartbeat.


Two hours had gone by as they slept. Karlie's arms were now wrapped around Taylor's waist and her head was nestled in her hair. Taylor's head was nuzzled into Karlie's neck breathing in her scent. Their legs somehow becoming entangled with each other. If it weren't for the phone going off, they would've stayed asleep on the ground.

"Where is it?" Karlie whispered moving around trying to find the phone. She hated how it interrupted her nap with Taylor. The singer had wrapped the blanket tighter around them and snuggled more into Karlie's side, not letting the phone interrupt her time with the model.

Karlie looked down to her side and saw the singer still asleep. She instantly stopped moving and just let the phone continue to ring. If it was important, whoever it was would call again. With this in her mind, she wrapped her arms around the singer again and tried to fall back to sleep. She didn't know why, but sleeping with Taylor next to her just felt right.

"Did you find the phone?" The singer asked once Karlie settled back into the position that she was previously in. Karlie let out a quiet 'no' and tighten her hold on the singer while shaking her head.

"It's probably not that important anyways," She said moving Taylor's hair out of her face. Taylor smiled and hid her face in the crook Karlie's neck.

She could get used to being with the model like this. She loved the feeling of her arms around her. The way she sounded when she woke up. How she looked for the phone to try to silence it so that she could sleep. She could get used to having Karlie around in the mornings.

Just as they were drifting back to sleep, the phone went off again. Taylor threw her head back as Karlie loosened her hold on the singer's waist.

"I swear your phone has to leave us alone," She said groaning and sitting up. Taylor rolled over to lay on her back and pulled Karlie back down to lay beside her.

"Kar, just leave it," She said snuggling back into the model's side. Karlie laughed and ignored the phone, or at least she tried to. The phone went off non stop.

"Let me go get it," She said sitting up and looking around for the phone. Taylor reluctantly let her go knowing that she couldn't stay with her on the ground forever. She couldn't help but notice that her body fit so perfectly next to Karlie's.

"Tay, someone named Sam has been calling you and leaving text messages," Karlie said as she looked down at the singer's phone. Taylor's eyes widened as she immediately jumped up and grabbed her phone. She called Sam as fast as she could. She again failed to notice the falter in Karlie's smile.

"Hello? Sam?"

"Taylor, are you okay? You haven't answered any of my calls and when you didn't pick up the first time, I came in to your room to check in on you, but you weren't there. I was starting to get worried," Taylor smiled when she heard what Sam had said.

"I'm fine, really. I just left early to come rehearse and I fell asleep while I was backstage," She said while eyeing Karlie, "When my phone went off, I didn't think it was important so I ignored it, but I would've answered it if I knew it was you."

"You fell asleep? Backstage? You, Taylor Swift, fell asleep backstage? Are you sure? The last time I noticed, you wouldn't even fall asleep at my place and now you're telling me that you fell asleep backstage," Taylor let out a laugh knowing that Sam was right. She normally wouldn't go to sleep anywhere that wasn't one of her homes or an airplane.

"Yes, I fell asleep backstage believe it or not. I must've been very tired," She said while looking at Karlie who had started to pick up the pillows and blanket, they used.

"Oh my God, you're with her, aren't you? What was her name? Karlie, right? Taylor you have to tell me everything," Taylor couldn't help the laugh that escaped her as she listened to her friend ask questions.

"Yes, I'm with her and I'll tell you all about it later," She said quietly, hoping that Karlie wouldn't hear her. Sam understood and hung up on her telling her to get back to the model.

"I'm sorry about that. Sam is my best friend and whenever he calls it's usually important, so I thought it was right now, but it turns out that he was just worried because it's so unlike me to not answer my phone."

"That's okay, I completely understand, my friends are the exact same way," Karlie said folding up the blanket. She was relieved to know that Sam was just one of Taylor's friends. Taylor wished for nothing more than for them to be back on the ground tangled in one another.

Hopefully she wouldn't have to wait long for that to happen again.

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